does eco obd2 really work

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From plugging into your OBD-2 port to sliding into your cars cigarette lighter, all these devices promise remarkable fuel savings as the electronic device learns and optimizes your cars engine for maximum efficiency. We compared both the pros and cons in this EcoPlus Reviews, The EcoPlus is only available for purchase online on the products official website and cannot be gotten at a physical retail store, We gathered all the Frequently Asked Questions for the EcoPlus Review and you can find them below. I believe amazon will sell some new underwire (with pads). No doubt you were gullible enough to vote for Sleepy Joe Biden, who has really messed up the economy! Regular readers know I've tested and debunked a wide range of these devices over the years. The review concludes that this same type of product has been recycled on and off in the public eye for years now, but typically any product claiming to be an OBD2 fuel saver is a scam. You are just like this post, A HUGE JOKE!!! The recent spike and continuing spike in gas prices is due to that buffoon B***n. The recent spike in fuel prices is caused by better contol of Covid-19 in highly industrialized nations and the reluctance of OPEC to pump more crude. There must be some way to improve our mileage, right? Our elected representatives have failed us. Let me get this straight, in your analogy, Biden is the hot dog maker? To the author of this article. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. 3. So it raises the questions of is the first one for $5 a scam against the other claimed possible scam, or even is one a scam and the other one not? If it actually worked, the oil companies would have made the creator disappear long before the product ever hit the market. He and his cronies know nothing about the business of America and western civilization. Basically sorry you are SOL.What hurts is the cost was $49 and as I research futher, they are available on amazon for alot less. How do you reserve parking at Yankee Stadium. Do you really think this war in Ukraine would be taking place if T**** was still in office??? You are the exact type of person trump and the republicans want, mindless idiots who get their news from hannity, tucker carlson, laura ingraham, britrebart news; then they vote for real nut jobs to be in congress like, lauren bobert, matt gaetz, marjorie taylor green. DELETED, [] As Ive clarified in a previous blog about the same device with a different name, dozens of people have already bought these OBD2 devices, broke them apart, and confirmed there is no communication between the device and your engine. thats because the engines work on hydroponic graphite and shoestrings. Facebook and especially you talented folks at YOUTUBE. Lmao some people are so dense. No doubt. Then, youll see a rise in fuel efficiency.10 Feb 2022. Unlikely. The fact that any company can defraud consumers is a testament to the moral decay in our society and business community. And yeah, the EcoBox is b****t. if the people dont wise up, the usa will be no longer exist within a few years. 3. So I tried this and because my trucks heat hasnt been working have been able to drive truck when its been very code. ECOCHIP is as efficient as chips in reducing fuel consumption and costs when compared to similar products. Still, there is that small possibility that this could conceivably be engineered and created by some whiz kids. The EcoChip does not save fuel consumption in any way, the chip doesn't re-align the molecular structure of the fuel before it reaches the fuel injectors. lol. The promises of this device are simply not possible, or even plausible. If it does not increase MPG after a reasonable time, then you simply return for refund and if that is not possible, then you ask your credit card company to reverse the charges. I appreciate it. Had to borrow my moms 1996 Lincoln Town car that has over 250,000 miles on it but climate control heat still works well. "First of all, it doesnt have any drive for CAM [camshaft, the engine part that activates valves to let air-fuel mixture in and out of combustion chambers.]" Not to mention the fact that locking up the brakes would have zero effect on the transmission. For one, the domain name was literally created seven days ago. The EcoPlus only works when the cars engine is on. You should have placed a link put it in a real car he blew a fuse and didnt do further testing, and in the comments there are multiple users that claim it works Both the videos here do not test functions one dude goes to the conclusion that data pins are connected but he doesnt know if it works meaning totally a waste of time to watch it the other guy proves that it gives no data out to the fake random generating values engine, within the first few minutes of operations, while the device claims that analyzed data and after many miles starts tuning the engine. And fuel consumption is something an economic-conscious car owner looks out for in a new vehicle. Try doing some of your own research and just personally ask some Trump voters if they believe that stupid s**t youre being fed. He has no idea how to lead a free market, capitalist economy that built this great country. Yes, built-in warning indicators let a driver know if anything is wrong with the engine's internal processes. The way to reduce crony capitalism is to make the government smaller. Look it up. There is one thing that never seems to be mentioned or offered:-You bought this item to tell us if it works and save us money WHO REFUNDS YOU AFTER ALL YOU ARE OUT OF POCKET TO HELP others so allow me to give back some of your lost cash.Lance. Hey Bert. If youre honestly too blind to see that everything thats happened in the last couple years happened to divide the people then I feel sorry for your lack of sight. They dont. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Any engineers here? Me thinks there is more than meets the eyes. Tire Meets Road is a car blog focusing on car news and useful information you won't find anywhere else. The actual cab drivers name is Celestin, and the story is about banks loans. But took my truck for a drive yesterday, usually have to let it run for a few minutes but not then didnt try to cut off. Its easy to reverse these changes and then just remove them from your port. Wrong! In the first video the guy is downright convinced his is a scam, but of course if one or more of these or even the comments below are inserted by manufacturers reps, there may be ulterior motives for what is shown or said. The EcoPlus has numerous benefits that leave its customers wowed, some of them include; Ecoplus is very easy to use, as easy as inserting your key into the ignition. Lead Stories has not independently verified the results shown in these videos: "Nitro OBD2 Busted. If thats not proof enough amateur DIY-er Valentina Sanders took apart a similar, if not the same OBD2 device, drew a detailed schematic of the supposed fuel saver, and concluded, corroborating what EEV Blog concluded himself that, This unit DOES NOT have any connection to OBD communication. The best way is to change your driving style. The fuel saver looks slightly less phony than the vaxxx. Its just more deaths than all vaccines in the last 30 years combinedfor a virus that kills .3% of the population. Its always ready to blame everything on Biden or on Trump. House Minority Whip Jesse Pippy, R-Frederick, said Baltimore City has experienced over 300 homicides each year for the last eight consecutive years. Moores proposed plan for Maryland so far is a unique combination of the service year programs that have come before it. Sorry, it won't work on diesels, which have no throttle blades and consequently have no manifold vacuum. Also, it. What happens when you have 2 vision plans? No, the Ecotune OBD2 plug-and-play fuel saver does not work, is programmed to play a convincing sequence of LED lights, and is a waste of your time and money. As stated on its official. Herpesyl Pills Shocking Facts Revealed. However, since its launch, many consumers have been curious whether EcoChip is worthwhile. Usually, these folks have heard about some miraculous gadget that claims to improve fuel economy. It must be held for at least 5 seconds. Valid test would be driving exact same course, exact same conditions, with driver not knowing whether the car had device installed or not. In 2020, the United States still imported 7.9 million barrels of crude oil and other petroleum products a day. The major parts of how much fuel any car uses are vehicle weight, tire size, rolling resistance, friction in moving parts, number of moving parts in the driveline, etc. The ScanGauge is even hackable, so you can customize the readout and monitor virtually anything that's available on the vehicle's data bus. MINE:optima 2.4 L 4 cyl.i didnt think it would actually work, what a surprise. YOU MUST BE EXTREMELY IGNORANT AND FOOL ENOUGH TO PAY FOR THIS SCAM IF IT ACTUALLY WORKED THE OIL COMPANYS WOULD BE BANKRUPT BY NOW DUMMY. The real reason youre seeing ads for fake fuel savers now, more than ever, is that gas prices are at record highs. Theyll deliver you an OBD2 device that does absolutely nothing. I did it twice just to make sure I did it right. I remember that! That says a lot coming from an insurance company where, its in their best interest to keep their human assets and clients alive as long as possible to collect premiums from. In 1974 I moved to Texas because the the price of gas was too high where I lived at .39 cents a gallon. Unfortunately people are easily scammed when desperate. Thats why REAL science uses double blind studies where no one involved knows whether they are dealing with the test or control group. Of course we will never know. Trump? Try making some points instead with our near descendants dont they deserve to enjoy life too?So as much as it makes me want to commit social suicide by saying this No matterThanks Biden for facing an entire nation of political cry babies and really getting America moving on green motives. Also the oil companies are trying to regain their profit loss during the pandemic when a barrel of oil in April 2020 -$36.98 yes I wrote -$36.98. Its impossible for simple devices, like the EcoBox ECO OBD2 plug-and-drive tuning box, to tune every single vehicle make and model for fuel savings with a generic OBD2 device. False. Per, "Idling can use a quarter to a half-gallon of fuel per hour, depending on engine size and air conditioner use, adding up to three cents of wasted fuel a minute.". Does that not spark anyones curiosity??? Plugin the Ecoplus device into the OBD2 connector in your vehicle. [] Check out my review on the EcoTune here. The Nitro OBD Performance Chip Tuning Box is a highly affordable option for vehicle owners looking for a device that encompasses performance, affordability, and endurance. A ruling from the Supreme Court against the White Houses student debt relief program could impact more than 800,000 Maryland student loan borrowers who are currently eligible for relief according to data from the federal Department of Education. There is a true and oh so real agenda by those much more powerful than the president of the US and they will stop at nothing to see that their sick plan moves forward. First off, the trend towards energy independence for the USA began about a decade before Trump took office. Copyright 2023 Green Matters. Similarly, SabiReviews goes in-depth on why the EcoChip doesn't work. Our own claims data is consistent with that as well. Lets engineer term limits at the ballot box by voting out incumbents every election cycle to dismantle capitalist cronyism. Dying of anything after receiving the vaccine will be reported by anti-vaxxers as vaccine related, but that doesnt make it true. This is not gullibility to try something like this just to see if it makes a difference. This cheap solution can be attached to any vehicle. You have to rewrite the code in the PCM (or ECU or whatever you want to call it) in order to effect change. TRUEDAT. Obviously this is a bold claim and one that anybody can make, whether or not this eco chip works or not. ColonBroom Reviews (Updated 2022) Real Effective or Fake Promises? EcoPlus settings are different but optimized for each vehicle and you might not need to make any extra adjustments. I used to believe all the hype about human cause was paranoid reasoning.But Im 62 years old and a California native living in southern California since 1968 and Ive never felt heart like this so continually here. It will adjust to the fuel level within a few minutes of being. Is it literally Ecobox or is it under another generic name? Lol. Actually, it's not the best wayit's the only way that doesn't involve mass transportation. The official website of this chip mentions. Its a similar story with, this site was created in June 2021. p.s. If you dont like Effuel, you can unplug it to restore your ECU to its default settings. Call it what it is . It took around $3 to fill up my 1960 VW bug that by the way had a 1200 cc or 72.7 ci 4 cylinder 36 hp motor that got 40 mpg and would eventually get up to a top speed of 90 mph. Not to mention if it worked it would alter the emission check. Save your money for the next fillup. It is a perfect example of complete and total gullibility to try something like this just to see if it makes a difference. It also does frilly stuff like letting you upload images to watch while in the car. To conclude, this is what Pat Goss Master Automotive Technician for Motor Week since 1981 said on the matter of fuel saving devices with unbelievable promises. Since 2017. Thanks for your comment, Deb. Over my many years doing the Motor Week TV show I have tested over 900 different fuel saving devices and not a single one of them worked., [] I actually blogged about the exact some OBD2 fuel saver, under a different name, earlier last month. []. The fact that you faced us when weve complained louder than ever in history, it has to be done. This is old tech. People obviously have nothing, BETTER to do! The average fuel economy displays an increase of about 6 miles per gallon increase going from 22.3 to 25.8 MPG. (Do not start the car) 4. The Ecoplus fuel saver does not require maintenance, Ecoplus reduces fuel consumption to nearly 55% depending on how you drive. It is never easy or joyful. These re-branded OBD2 Fuel Savers and their websites are created solely to rip off nave internet window shoppers. mine says for benzene motors are there 2 diferent models? Thinking that Spike Protein isnt harmful is whats stupid. . What a smart idea! Bill would protect reproductive health care providers, patients through records security; 800,000 Marylanders could be impacted by Supreme Court student debt decision; BWI concession agreement extended as new vendor is sought. Slave labor in the guise of the American Dream is how capitalism works. The thing didnt save any fuel, and caused my brakes to lock up at 80 mph, destroying my transmission and causing me to fly into the Great Salt Lake. Anti Vaxxers love citing VAERS, but leave out the part where anyone can leave a report and they are not vetted. The OBD2 port is straightforwardly associated with the Motor Control Unit (ECU), which controls all that in a fuel infused motor. With no way to talk to your cars ECU and engine, theres literally no way for this device to tune your car for better fuel efficiency. ECO OBD2 is a cost-effective and affordable way to reduce vehicle fuel consumption. Thankfully IManaged to unplug it and was soon on my way home to Earth the only good thing was that I got around 754 MPG Round Trip! Im not sure Im saving any fuel but the truck thinks so. This is a fact. The company guarantees savings within 30 days or your money back.22 Apr 2021. Once plugged into this connector, the device claims to track your car's performance for 150 miles, and then make changes to save fuel accordingly. Not a chance. The EcoPLus adjusts itself to your car, after about 150 miles (200 km) of driving (road total), and it keeps remapping the engines control unit to reduce fuel consumption. This chip also comes in the class of OB2 chips and you can get the genuine product on the. So when the US suddenly is BUYING on the world market instead of SELLING, that means more demand and less supply. A quick trip to the auto-parts store can score you a vacuum gauge to park on your dashboard for under $50, which isn't much when a fill-up can easily shred a $100 bill. I did the mileage with and without. It simply observes your driving and optimizes fuel consumption according to your driving style. It will not improve your cars engine performance or quality. As you continue to work on that elusive GED in your parents basement, skip ahead to the section on global supply and demand, and you will suddenly realize how inane your comment is, blaming it on one person. Just add this magnet to your fuel line. Next, their success story from Paul, the cab driver uses a photo owned by the Boston Globe (story linked here.) Learn some basic Economics. If everyone wants your hotdogs but you only make half as much, come dinner you can charge more and sell them all! A president has exactly zero influence over gasoline prices and oil prices. You should be informing yourselves of whats really going on rather than arguing about the *******. Totally loved how you explain that makes 100% sense cant believe so many people are scared sheep we just have to keep putting the truth out there and hopefully those v***d will leave us un****d folks alone! Daveyyoure an i****. Most cars that were produced after 96, and after 2001 (for cars made in Europe) have the port. I thought it was funny. There are plenty of other things you can monitor, too, such as manifold vacuum and fuel-injector opening. Perhaps when you reach the third grade you will find some enlightenment.or not. Those pipelines wouldnt even be in service, at the earliest, by 2023. More important, it uses its display to give you real-time readouts on fuel economy.

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does eco obd2 really work