why did santino betray john wick

Chris credits Toy Story and Star Wars with launching a lifelong fascination with movies that led him on the path to his career. How to show that an expression of a finite type must be one of the finitely many possible values? John Wick spends an unknown amount of years racking up the kill count, building his reputation, and meeting a ton people. Look at the Fast and Furious franchise. ". The High Table holds an emergency meeting regarding John Wicks killing of Gianna and her brother who sought revenge for it. Tortured, grieving, those emotions contained behind serious brown eyes. John is no longer the "Man who is sent to Kill the Boogeyman" he is still going to be quietly watched to ensure that he isn't tempted to come out of his exile. However, despite Winston's warnings, John knows fullwell that even if he lets Santino live, he will still be hunted and then shoots and kills Santino in the Continental lounge much to the shock and dismay of Winston and everyone present. A situation with no end where he could go back into retirement. Once John is finally face-to-face with the defenseless Santino, the fact that the assassin safe haven of John Wick's Continental was unable to protect him from Santino solidifies John's lack of concern for the hotel chain's rules. How does Santino connect with the first John Wick movie? While others were searching for any possible safe houses and others who might be loyal to John that he could escape to. His passports, contacts, arsenal, special made clothing and the gold coins. Here is what I've written about what I hope Chapter 3 will be about. Where is the most unhealthy place to have too much body fat? I doubt we will see him again. Indeed, he comments as much in the movie and so Wick's only alternative was to kill him right there and take the consequences. I believe Winston was always on the assassin's side and respected order and as a seasoned "manager" would have made it VERY clear business of ANY type that regards killing be done on grounds. John has truly lost everything. The real-life location of the New York Continental Hotel is The Beaver Building at 1 Wall Street Court in New York City. Santino wants John to kill his sister, Gianna, hoping to take the High Table seat she inherited from their father. They discussed Winstons allowing John an hour head start before calling Accounts Payable to label him as Excommunicado. He calls in the blood oath to . Continuing on from John Wick, the main imagery of John Wick 2 is John's descent back into the Hell world he had previously escaped. The same goes for the main antagonist of John Wick: Chapter 2, Santino D'Antonio, who blows up John's house and puts a bounty on his head that has dozens of assassins seeking the reward. In the first film, John finally kills Viggo, the last of his enemies and Viggo says Be seeing you, John. This same phrase is mentioned as Ares dies in John Wick 2. He immediately sets off to the Continental Hotel in New York, where Winston, the director of the Continental, makes it clear to him that he was right in attacking John's house, since John refused his marker. While the last film ended with Johns achieving victory over the people who killed his dog and stole his car, Chapter 2 concludes with mixed results. rev2023.3.3.43278. . Viggo Tarasov | Iosef Tarasov | Avi | Ms. Perkins | Kirill | Abram Tarasov, D'Antonio Crime Family After his death, Santino's body was to be cremated within the furnace located underground of the Continental Hotel. By giving Santino the marker? It . - He was once an associate of ours. I think he was going to kill it anyway: the way he was looking at him and holding that gun (It was obvious that D'Antonio was dead the moment John walked into The Continental, no need for the. Rome and New York seemed to be feeling it the most due to the fight where he and John fell through the window and into the lobby in Rome and there was Winstons obvious affections for Jonathan. And they feared that with Johns abilities that he would decide to come after them. D'Antonio: A man can stay here a long time and never eat the same meal twice. Winston: Jonathan, just walk away.Santino: Yeah, Jonathan. What happens if someone becomes Excommunicado? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Because if the High Table continues to grow stronger, where is their reach going to end? Santino: He was already back. The Entire John Wick Timeline Explained. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be acquitted of everything despite serious evidence? He later finds out Santino's location at an art exhibit from the Bowery King. Redoing the align environment with a specific formatting, Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain. Although John thinks this mission is impossible and has scruples about killing Gianna, he finally has to submit to the order and learns from Santino that his sister is currently in Rome and that he can use a secret path in the catacombs to reach her. Even though Winston has great admiration for John, he had no choice but to make Mr. Wick excommunicado after this turn of events. John goes to confront the Mafia boss while he is holding a party. Wick was tasked with killing Santino's sister Gianna, so that Santino could have her seat at the high table. SANTINO: "If not for what I did on the night of your impossible task, you wouldn't be here.". After they fail in an attempt to kill John, Santino calls the assassin and cockily claims that it is nothing personal, but that he cannot go unpunished for his sister's death. Basically, John was one of the greatest assassins who ever lived. The only way for John to end the madness was to get to Santino, who smartly went to the Continental. So he did it on the spot. Wick eventually became the top enforcer for the New York Russian crime syndicate, becoming a feared and ruthless hitman that people describe as a man of focus, commitment, and sheer will. What did Santino do for John Wick? The High Table is powerful and has a very long reach and plenty of others to recruit who would rather be on the good side of the powerful instead of their cross hairs. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Taking responsibility for his past decisions and the effect they had on others. After his death, it was planned that his body was to be cremated by the furnace on the underground of the Continental Hotel that was used by Charlie and his cleaning crew to dispose bodies. Wick was tasked with killing Santino's sister Gianna, so that Santino could have her seat at the high table. Although his blood oath connected to Santino is spent, he still has the one given to him by Winston. John just stares at her for a second before simply saying, thank you before she had completely walked away. However, Santino has sent his personal (and mute) right-hand woman Ares and other henchmen to get rid of John after completing his mission. You can take it one of two ways, and that's kind of where we pick up some of the unanswered questions in John . There's a problem with that. Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. On one hand, John finally takes down Santino DAntonio, the Italian mob boss who barred him from his second retirement after the events of the first film. What did Santino do to John Wick? While his guards open fire on Wick and are gradually shot by him, Santino flees deeper into the museum and calls in additional guards. Even if John never violated the rules of the Continental, in not killing Santino, the result would be the same, as Santino would just pour money into making John's bounty larger and larger. Winston: Jonathan, just walk away. However, John refuses to honor the oath, claiming that he is retired. The Bowery Kings sarcastic declaration, The Messiah has returned. Basically, means, John caused this shit to happen and only John can truly clean it up. Once the job was complete, Santino essentially betrayed John by sending an army after him in a manufactured attempt to avenge Gianna's death. Can archive.org's Wayback Machine ignore some query terms? (That being said) There is something unusual about a professional like Cassian staying mad at John Wick. Ever since the original movie, he's yearned for a normal life. So, within two weeks, he made his decision and began planning. The rules are contradictory. The couch where they snuggled together while watching TV. His house was destroyed & everything that held the memories of his wife went up in flames. He kills people for a living, yet, here we all are, cheering him on and feeling his grief. His cell phone. Meanwhile, John is briefly distracted because Ares has appeared with other henchmen to free Santino. How did Santino betray John Wick? Once an assassin. AND now, they believe with no rules binding him and knowing everyone will be coming after him, then he has nothing to lose and may very well come after them. This action led to Winston making John excommunicado, taking away hotel privileges from the Baba Yaga, and placing a $14 million bounty on Wick. She needs a special approach. A high council member can conduct "business" on Continental grounds basically by sending a "bullet" via a contract by phone but John isn't allowed to put a real bullet in his head. Why John Wick Really Killed Santino & Broke The Continental Rule, Why John Wick Movies Just Keep Getting Longer & Longer, John Wick 4 Has To Break The Franchise's Timeline Trend. Why does Santino betray John Wick? He wanted out of the reality of existing within that assassin's world and by killing a member of the High Table on the Continental's grounds, he was definitely out. The High Table can't kill him. What's the value of the John Wick gold coins? John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum begins with John Wick excommunicado and on the run from just about every assassin who wants the $14 million bounty on his head, but who did he kill to end up in this situation? Goes By. Winston informs him that as a direct result of Santino's death, Santino's contract is, per the High Table, doubled and offered globally. The Continental director informs the assassin that as a direct result of Santino's death, his bounty will, per the High Table, be doubled and offered globally. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Wick was tasked with killing Santino's sister Gianna, so that Santino could have her seat at the high table. That card she had delivered to him along with the puppy was not his only keepsake. Specifically, brother/sister pair Santino and Gianna. John did stay at Marcus's safe house, but other images of her on his phone only strengthen his resolve. When legendary hitman John Wick sought to leave his life as a killer, he was told in return to complete one last job for his boss Viggo Tarasov. That's open for interpretation. Santino D'Antonio is the son of the head of the D'Antonio crime family and the brother of Gianna D'Antonio. Especially after learning that Gianna's brother Santino ordered the hit, and the contract being a marker rather than money. Santino reveals to John that he should kill his sister Gianna so that he can get her seat in the High Table. John is a super assassin and no one seems to be able to stop him. Why did Santino betray John? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. You incinerated the priest's temple, burnt it to the ground. Excommunicate John Wick for breaking the rules of the Continental. When John steps into the restaurant, Winston runs up to him soothingly to prevent John from breaking the rules of the Continental and thereby damning himself. Santino tasks him with assassinating his sister, Gianna D'Antonio, so he could take her spot at the High Table, a council of leaders of the world's most powerful criminal organizations. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? Where are they at now? I'm going to go ahead and say there's no way they didn't know Santino had his sister killed. D'Antonio: Duck fat. John Wick 3's Parabellum Title REAL Meaning Explained, Everything We Know About John Wick: Chapter 4. He is a graduate of Wesley College's Bachelor of Media Arts and Master of Sport Leadership programs. While John bides his time, he doesn't know how his killing Santino D'Antonio has turned everyones world upside down. Santino said his sister was starting to slack in her duties, and the cardinal John visited said fortune favors the bold. Maybe that was supposed to be high tables blessing because they thought santino would be better than his sister and respected his initiative. However, John hangs up before Santino can continue. Wick advises Santino to find someone else to do the job, but the crime boss insists that John redeem his debt and warns him of the consequences if he refuses. John ends up leading the war against the High Table. Throw in Cassian whose grudge against the High Table is stronger than his desire for revenge upon John Wick. I believe that going further than Chapter 3 would take something very real that fans have felt in regards to the John Wick movies. Male This really hits John hard as he comes to ponder whether he could have defeated Santino without losing access to the safe house of the Continental.

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why did santino betray john wick