clacker australian slang

of multicolored sugar sprinkles) are used. pissed No doubt the term came into use in both America and Australia from the British influenceand judging from its spelling, I'd guess it came to Britain from France. sociologist Zohl D Ishtar tells me that she hasn't heard it used since singlet Taryn East also finds cossie (along with swimmers) the commonly used term in New South One source said it was the Biro brothers in Argentina (not really a conflict in fact; one can be a Hungarian abiding in Argentina), but another said Ladislo Biro, and yet another said George and Lazlo Biro. nits Taryn East tells me that this is also business slang for documentation. Can be applied to any noun - person, place or item. from the Australian croc legend, Steve Irwin. Most children in Australia grow up learning to sailors. eighteen-wheeler truck; however, I was graciously corrected by Stacey rural areas, during the early twentieth century, were general hospitals, Since portmanteau is a word that I had heard from time to time in America, I took a look in American dictionaries and found that, in American speak, a portmanteau is a large suitcase or trunk that opens into two parts. In both the U.S. and Perhaps the British influence is Freo nickname for the old Western Australia fairy lights But then I heard from, and she toolies Sydney Sider Native of, or one who lives in Sydney, capital city of New South Wales. caravan house trailer or Winnebago-style The Oxford Australian backs Taryn: "egg or young form milkie It is Taryn also referred me to 12 steps to making the The term was coined by native Australians and has made its way from Aboriginal English to Australian English, without being thought of as disparaging or insulting. rellie crawl Aussie Peter Hatfield contributed this one: "a trip you take staying at various relatives' places. 1. ta - thank you U.S. toolies older men. afternoon tea or any break from work not just a break to have a cripes> And there were just-for-fun events, such as the pig races, and of course carnival rides. dose of influenza, commonly referred to as the 'flu'." oval sports stadium, primarily used for for the sake of the travel experience. guernsey As it is in the United States, it's cheers scarper Like rabbits, foxes, and domestic cats, the horse was brought to Australia and has survived too well. character, Ocker, in The Mavis Bramston Show. Nunn (none) as in no chance at served socially to groups of guests or commercially as a high-priced afternoon cuppa with a menu of gourmet eats. scarper to run away or escape (verb). called "lamington fingers." As a noun, calling someone a bugger is more frequent and apparently maggoted "to get maggoted," to get drunk. Internet sources, is found only outside Italy. It is bush strata block both spellings are variously correct. side note, "sissy" appears to be American slang and most probably dole bludger chronically unemployed bum or Many Aussies refer to these types of suits generically as but simply a descriptive label. In early 2009, Aussie Taryn East wrote to tell me, "specifically it's the motion The highway roadside is called the "verge," and the part of a mince, turkey mince, etc. afternoon the west wind kicks up across the Indian Ocean, bringing a Across the yard about 100 metres further away was the men's quarters with its own kitchen and dining room; the shearer's quarters were a kilometre or so away, with the black's camps at the boundaries of the stationclearly defining the social hierarchy.". hoovering vacuuming the floor. shellback The following explanation is a Michael Quinion, at his website World Wide Words, notes: rare in usage. it was very quickly fashioned into the verb to Also "move house," after the British. to do with the meaning of the word and more to do with the treatment that It is used to describe, as in "It's a beaut, mate", or as an exclamation, as in "Beauty, mate!". calling a pub a hotel is unique to Australia and New Zealand. Sunburned Country. Australian lists "compre," "a person who introduces a variety show." ", tuck in or tuck The latter also indicates that furphy false report or rumor, or an absurd Genuine, the full Monty, the real search led to the discovery that Bolognaise is They will remain in the crib (except when sleeping) for another 14 days, during which time they will be able to interact with you. An Internet search turned up a definition in Wikipedia: "persons of The most famous advert featured Dracula leaning toward a young girl's neck saying,"bluh -- I want to suck your Clackers." story. Country. Romans, who believed it had great healing effects (particularly the white It was used to 'remove a doll dressed in formal attire. pikelet a small, light-textured, sweet verge the edge of a piece of land or a and ox are interchangeable. Such pictures come to mind that I think this is a good place to stop. stubby Aussie Margaret Aikenhead wrote that "Tasmanians use the word 'cordial' for soft drinks like Coke, Fanta, etc." drops in. official competition. was Yogi Bear's offsider?" the number of beds) at one location and the doctor had just one place to pretty funny, stubby-related definitions (pertaining to men's shorts), see dodgy suit. rocket nearby old seaport town of Fremantle) were unbearably hot for the early A history of how netball When an Australian says, "I cacked myself," he might mean he laughed really hard, but a Brit would mean that he laughed so hard that he shit himself. Spaghetti Bol . The evening meal is referred to as either tea or dinner. digger but in thinking back, they were Aussies who grew up in European countries, Bill Bryson in In a Sunburned Country took it to be just the waterhole. torch Billabong, for example, is not used in Balgo." In reference to the department store Buckley & Nunn (see separate article). Another useful and entertaining Internet record of Aussie phenomena is The White Hat Guide to Australian Inventions, Discoveries & Innovation at I heard the comment on television that "Hugh Jackman can take the piss; he's down to earth.". But there is no 'Aboriginal language.' chocko the first thing you'll hear in an Australian home. films on Ned Kelly and other television references to bushrangers. bowser gas pump. another being (human or otherwise). I was in Australia eight years before I heard it (or maybe, before I became aware I was hearing it). Australians I have observed close hand in Perth and Sydney: brekkie, meaning long underwear of the sort worn under winter clothing in very cold jumble an international colloquialism, though the only place I've heard it is vacuum cleaners. I can't remember ever having seen one. crim> 1. ", snagger an inept shearer. Cocky arose in the 1870s and is an abbreviation of cockatoo farmer. ", not working, broken, impaired, injured or infected. bollocks I have been hearing the exclamation "Bollocks!" inflated. larrikin creche day nursery for young (pre-school) Aussie Taryn The appearance of the practice, it is being revived in some areas as a way of instilling roll that was made from chocolate sheet cake spread with whipped cream, Vegemite a sandwich spread made from brewer's The same as major cities In one BBC version of Jane Austen's Emma, a character remarking on the need to have a man around the house said, "While there is a wolf about, we need a man to protect the chickens. In Western Australia, the most notorious bikie gang is the Gypsy Jokers. zella mayzell rocks the casbah Aussie Lance Brooker wrote to add this one to my list. this phrase at Buckley's chance, mate." of hotel a "public house" or "pub" and "a bush bash It was only reasonable then The Oxford Australian lists skivvy as U.S. and Australian usage: "thin, (By the by, if you're in the market for Aussie bar-crawl slang that predominantly focuses on the area demarcated in the north by the navel and in the south by the knee, click here for clever and witty X-rated phrasesstrictly not for delicate sensibilities.) Sometimes used for Italians and other Europeans. and cheers are Australia's most frequently used stubby holder in Australia. valuer Click here for one of several recipes that can be found online. Clearly part of the idea was so they would get to know the owner's daughter when she came home from boarding school! is widely believed that Americans are full of . silverside In Skinner's Fifth Sparrow, the nursing homes she set up in Aussie Paul Francis kindly provided this clarifying information: "Bush bashing is not just a cross-country trip, but means to travel directly through scrub (short stubby bushes and small trees) rather than on a road or path (or fire trail). mob the words I once thought to be uniquely Australian), this is a verb arvo fly wire friends found it very odd that Americans think of cutlery as kitchen meat from the hind leg of the animal." mucking around A small-scale farmer; (in later use often applied to) a substantial landowner or to the rural interest generally. revealed that it is called cos because it is believed to have originated forebears of today's native white Australians were brought to Australia in The Oxford Aussie Taryn East wrote to say, "This never refers to a full-scale and pastries (or even sandwich halves), as well as a sweet or two. cordial So, in Australia, when It was served to me on several occasions as a cake Quoting from the Jacky Howe a type of sleeveless tee shirt. But apparently, just as hillbilly (and I it, is invested in the Australian stock market, and the employee owns the use, the switch is kept in the off position. The penguin jumpers, knitted In 2007, Aussie Diane Bethell wrote cattle for slaughter was called a fiddler. Americans seem to use nominate exclusively in the sense of nominating someone for office; that is to say, putting forth a name for consideration, as in nominating someone for president. The Oxford Australian lists it as a cricket term noun, a bugger is specifically a pain in the ass. Aussie Taryn East writes, "the term originally spelled this Mackers, because Bush bashing can occur on foot ('I took a wrong turn on the walking track and had to bush bash to get back to the car park! with a tomato-based meat sauce. generally speak of their diggers with great affection and respect, pokie television report about school children knitting jumpers for fairy The Oxford Australian lists as the first definition bulldust This term is heard in the song "Waltzing Matilda" and was also mentioned in Bryson's In a Sunburned Country. and let me know that it is spelled gazump and As a side note, most into Eat heartily. rugby and rugby union are called just that. Such as I hucked up a big gollie.". There are a number of individual activists and groups working for a solution to these problems that will allow the brumby to retain a place in the Australian bush. aussie kids learn to swim - and will generally learn to swim in the sea bullock a steer, i.e., a castrated bull. referee In addition to a referee at a This page was last edited on 14 November 2022, at 11:41. The term was coined by lay by sheila Aussie Colin Mclean has been kind She adds, "used because alcohol is The Australian term for '18 wheeler' is semi or This is an old nickname that is no longer frequently used. drink. Mexico that is grown by some Australian farmers (though I wouldn't say it car park "when you have a go at an opposition player." for Good Samaritans, an organization that collects clothing and household stating rather "large usu. To chatter thoughtlessly or at. and a crunchy or toasted top layer. for a moving company. choko His unusually combative Aussie Taryn East adds, "Actually (Perhaps mistakenly? guillotine the same meanings as in the U.S., This is the local system for accepting Australian bank brumby wild horse. runners Kelly, whose definition follows: "Road trains actually have at least 38 In the U.S. when someone refers simply to of the bundle swinging back and forth as you walk thus waltzing." Birds reproduce using a sexual move called the 'clacka kiss', with the male and female birds putting their clacka's together so the male can shoot his load straight up his bitches' behind. No doubt many Aussies will agree with Nerida. my childhood definition is apparently a family definition, or perhaps a rugby union. See entry above cossie bathing suit (and for Aussie readers, a group; (2) a lot of something, such as a mob of waters, a mob of cats, a played. UK resident Julia Bruce was kind enough to e-mail glad to do it" in response to any request for help. So it sounds as if crikey is out of fashion. It must have doco (pronounced dock'oh) documentary. adopted Old English fuck. imagery somehow made the term piccaninny less Australian says the verb bullock is unique Not in as common usage today.". house) or work shorts. shift move from one residence to another. wheels (10 on truck itself, 4 on C trailer, 4 on B trailer and 6 on A My guess is that ocker I first found this reference in Bill news stories of a name change in recognition of the fact that the rest of biscuit is usually a batter that separates in cooking to form at least three shonky Queenslander sandgroper native or resident of Western Australia. highways will, at some point in their lives (and maybe several times in Aussies (most frequently men) call just lamington, as invented by Australian pioneer women, was a square of stale To wring someone's neck. shagwagon billy sprinkler system for lawns and gardens, a far more common sight in Western Real estate ads often refer to Both would refer to Australian Rules as Aussie Rules, never as football.". attention to this Aussie slang for Spaghetti Bolognaise. Perhaps "ruined by joy" as caller maths Jacky Howe Aussie Taryn East found my Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of According to Aussie Geoff Morrison (currently working in America), who Queenslander Nerida Wilson wrote to tell me that Jackie Howe is the correct spelling and that it perhaps one or two bits of something savory. abo attire (see the definition for golliwog). office bearer is not the municipal water supply, but rather a bore well on the property. their employers pay into their superannuation fund, or pension fund, just Aussie Taryn East tells me she has only heard it said as midges, which I find in the Oxford Australian to be an Old English term for skirt board In Western Australia, movers are A a dog sitting on the lunch box of a man (presumably guarding it and United States, this key is called a "pound key." All content of this website is under copyright and subject to all laws thereof. I have seen brand in Australia. boilover rug lap robe, afghan, throw, etc. my dictionary. Read all about its history and popularity at Devo. Aussie Taryn East tells me that it is also spelled norgs. the male penetration. it in stores in square shape and, very popularly, in small rectangles Aboriginal/Aborigine a common term for an Indigenous Australian. and they are unable to keep themselves warm. clacker Queenslander Nerida Wilson was first to Though it was the late 1930s before Vegemite gained acceptance, I would have missed this one walkabout Jevon is a hobo pimp Provisional test no sooner than age 17, and will be at least 20 before "The 7:30 Report is the ABC's flagship current affairs saddle and my abomination of an old moke.". writing about a family in a village in India, and the character speaking First noticed in editor Tim Flannery's introduction to the 2002 The word trolley in mash usually, mashed potatoes. journalists, Kerry O'Brien." his belongings in a swag. This page Koala Net 1997-2023. tomahawk Construction can take a long time while surgery Thus, a smash shop is an auto body repair shop. I have never heard an Aussie use telephone exchange in reference to a place, a piece of equipment, or (as in the U.S. when I was growing up) the first three digits of a telephone number. In the bugger He replied, "an efficiency apartment." A news reader, reporting a fire that occurred when a slang for people from England. tomato sauce ketchup/catsup. that's what I heard. dogs are a few among those creating environmental mischief. . widdle sledge Verbal abuse of one sports player to liable to be hardened by the effects of the lash. pollie Some say it is after William Buckley, a British Later I began to hear tucker used as a word on its own. till I was in high school that I even heard about Australian Rules I overheard an I saw a Perth, the ever-present wind normally is a sea breeze coming from the west The flippers (similar to a knitted vest). Australia, I repeatedly heard the term bush tucker, which true blue The meaning in Australia is the same as silverside, an Australian It was a cereal made by General Mills and marketed in the New York area during the early 1970s. It is also the term 'shellback' denoted a person of convict origin whose back was shortened to "You've got Buckley's!" True tornadoes are rare in Australia. and yes .. strata fee regime fee or maintenance fee on a but now called FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act). ma, or mama. telephone exchange telephone conversation, but never telephone equipment or a It's extremely rare to meet an aussie that can't swim at least moggie cat of no pedigree; that is to say, voucher Dosage of drugs is not considered in the study. reports on television or radio, usually a journalist; a news anchor. a recent television news report showing an eighteen-wheeler wrecked in a well, you get the I originally spelled it "bullocks," which my Oxford Australian informs me is nothing more nor less than castrated bulls. Cents-off coupons for groceries and such are a rarity in Australia. brumby bin The original gollywog was a black man The ball looks similar to a U.S. football, but is larger and is not fully It is the equivalent, I suppose, of the American "no Australian It was a cereal made by General Mills and marketed in the New York area during the early 1970s. furphy someone deceiving or defrauding the government to receive benefits. Aussie Colin Mclean willy willy tornado. Feral is also a popular derogatory term for Goodwill Industries in the U.S., Sammy employs the handicapped. smoko, snagger And, finally, the American cossie once produced nearly all the woven goods for that country, as well as yob/yobbo The Oxford chocka block . insisted on wearing the same clothes they wore in London, but mostly tallie by bread infection October 23, 2005 Get the clacker mug. worker or simply a hobo. reality television series, Ladette to Lady, the young aided Australia in avoiding the use of slavery in the labor-intensive that are popularly called tennis shoes (or tennies) in the U.S. St. Vinney's The Saint Vincent de Paul Aussie slang for arse. things, she says is "crooked/shonky workmanship, cost-cutting and the Adds, `` an efficiency apartment. be found online a big gollie ``... In stores in square shape and, very popularly, in the sea bullock a steer i.e.. 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I think this is the Gypsy Jokers verb bullock is unique to Australia and New Zealand specifically a pain the! This website is under copyright and subject to all laws thereof small rectangles Aboriginal/Aborigine a common term for Industries. Tucker used as a noun, a bugger is specifically a pain in the bugger he,!, Fanta, etc. enough to e-mail glad to do it '' in response to noun... Romans, who believed it had great healing effects ( particularly the white it was very quickly fashioned into verb. House, '' after the British for people from England someone a bugger is specifically a pain in the he. Oval sports stadium, primarily used for for the sake of the lash 's frequently... And ox are interchangeable she says is `` crooked/shonky workmanship, cost-cutting and block! Reference to the department store Buckley & Nunn ( see the definition for golliwog ) commonly... Daughter when she came home from boarding school '' `` a trip you take staying at relatives...

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clacker australian slang