Petalpaw smiled back. And now you treat me worse than prey. I should have had all that!.Mapleshade attempting to murder Sandstorm. There's a massive difference what Mapleshade did to any of Greystripe's killings. Ashfur fully intended to murder both Firestar (by his own admission) and Squirrelflights kits. Ravenwing, are we going to miss Half-Moon Meeting? I asked, praying to StarClan that we wouldnt miss it. I thought I would examine some examples of cats who we know what their lives were like, and why they went to the Dark Forest or not after they died, and show how there seems to be no consistent rule about who goes there. And this is Patchkit and Petalkit.. Along with her she brought her dear, beloved kits: Patchkit, Larchkit, and Petalkit. 3. While he fell in love with Snowfur, Thistleclaw despised her sister, Bluestar. Frecklewish, the sister of the recently-deceased warrior Birchface, assumes that this is because Birchface is the father, and Mapleshade doesn't confirm or deny it. However, Mapleshade also had a hidden arrogant, naive and selfish side to her, as seen when she acted possessive over Appledusk and disregarded his concerns regarding their relationship, and at one point resisted the urge to attack Frecklewish when the other she-cat attempted to bond with who she thinks are her brother's kits. Patchpaw, can you get Crimsonwish a mouse from the freshkill pile? Ravenwing called from the other side of the den. Mapleshadeshe's a really old Dark Forest cat, and all of the others seem afraid of her, even Tigerstarwell, Mapleshade is taking a special interest in me. It is unclear why Oakstar wanted to know the father of the kits, but he was likely looking for punishment for her. Be patient, and you will find out everything. Mapleshade is listed under RiverClan's character list in the table of contents, just after Crookedstar. Created by Meks. After Frecklewish leaves, Ravenwing tells Mapleshade that she has made Frecklewish feel like life is worth living again with the birth of her kits. A more likely explanation I think is that she and Ashfur pretended to feel bad about their actions to get into StarClan. I was wondering.if you would let me take Patchkit as my apprentice. Come. She vowed to kill the cats who were to blame for the death of her kits. She goes to the Place Of No Stars and promises revenge on the Clans. Mapleshade is one of thefewmajor female villains in the. This is a story about Mapleshade. Yall May ask why send the others to the Place of No Stars? Well my friends, heres the key: Oakstar Banished a newly queen and her three kits, resulting in them dying. Tell me, does this have to do with your kits? honestly, I'll never understand why Ashfur wasn't in the Dark Forest. Cats like Tigerstar, Thistleclaw, and Brokenstar who viewed StarClan and stupid and weak simply did not want to go there after their deaths. Mapleshade | The Official Warrior Cats Wiki | Fandom She was proven to be right, as Goosefeather's ability slowly overwhelmed him and drove him mad, without the need for her input. When her secret was unveiled prematurely by Ravenwing, however, she and her kits wereexiled from ThunderClanas traitors. She left vowing that they would regret what they did that day forever. It seems weird for StarClan to send her to the Dark Forest if she was trying to save her kits, but I dont think StarClan knew about her visions, nor do I think that she had to free her kits. They go to a place beyond StarClan, where they still get to live eternally, but cannot speak with living cats anymore. She spends the night in a barn, and believes she can hear her three kits crying out for her. While Appledusk was gone, Mapleshade decided to keep her kits entertained. Mapleshade watched them elatedly, her heart about to bust with love. Darkstripe betrayed his clans twice one of which was with blood clan to try and destroy clan life so yeah that's a major offense. Like what level of a bad thing does a cat have to do or think or whatever to go to the Dark Forest? I love them, and I love you too. Thank you StarClan, Mapleshade thought. In the eyes of StarClan, though, what Mapleshade did was nothing worth banning her to the Dark Forest - she loved a cat from another Clan, and the kits died accidentally. Yeah, I think that they(dead cats) can make up rules as they go. Yes,her mate deserved to die, but I didnt think her kits did. Thistleclaw was absolutely insane and he let his insanity take him over the edge. She had avenged her kits! Crookedstar's Promise. It is known that Mapleshade and a few others had survived the Great Battle, as she's later seen with Silverhawk in The Broken Code. Mapleshade, who is not known to have died, attempted . So, just to reiterate my point: the Dark Forest makes no sense. Leader: Oakstar sturdy brown tom with amber eyes Apprentice, Petalpaw, Deputy: Beetail dark brown striped tabby tom, Medicine cat: Ravenwingsmall black tom with blue eyes Apprentice, Patchpaw, Mapleshadethick-furred tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes Apprentice, Wasppaw, Deerdapplesilver and black tabby she-cat, Frecklewishspeckled golden-furred she-cat with dark amber eyes Apprentice, Larchpaw, Nettlebreezeginger tabby tom with light blue eyes, Seedpeltlight brown-and-white tom with green eyes, Thrushtalonbrown tabby tom with dark blue eyes, Flintfurginger tabby tom with light blue eyes, Crimsonwishdark ginger tabby she-cat with blueish-purple eyes, Watersparka dark blue-gray she-cat with red-amber eyes, Dewspecklelight brown-and-white tabby she-cat with amber eyes Apprentice, Rushpaw, Patchpawthick-furred calico tom with green eyes, Petalpawlight brown she-cat with light green eyes, Larchpawdark brown tom with dark amber eyes, Wasppawblack-and-white tom with blue eyes, Rushpawblack she-cat with heather-colored eyes, Rabbitfurlight gray tabby tom with amber eyes, Barkhollydark brown she-cat with crimson eyes, Leader: Darkstarblack she-cat with green-blue eyes, Medicine cat: Dewsplashlight brown she-cat with blue eyes Apprentice, Rainpaw, Appleduskpale brown tom with green eyes Apprentice: Perchpaw, Milkfurwhite she-cat with gray-green eyes, MudgashOrange tabby she-cat with amber eyes, Perchtailgolden tabby tom with torn ears, Birchwishgolden-brown she-cat with green eyes, Rainpawblue-gray tom with dark blue eyes, Reedshine (Mother of Lightkitorange tabby she-kit; Applekitpale brown tom). Once arriving at the fresh-kill pile, I sniffed through it but found only one mouse. Although now that I'm thinking about it more, Brokenstar could be in the "murdering for fun" group. Scourge | Bone | Jaggedtooth | Fury | Brick | Hoot and Jumper, The Dark Forest Warriors: Mapleshade's Vengeance also includes a teaser to Warriors Super Edition: Crookedstar's Promise. Want to edit and see less ads? What adventures, and secrets, await the three kits? No matter what she did, she just couldnt make Sandstorm suffer, so she made Firestar suffer;by killing Spottedleaf. Mapleshade has kits with a Riverclan tom, Appledusk, and lies about it to the clan. Wait here, He announced, disappearing into the bushes. PDF Warriors Tales From The Clans Warriors Novella She "loved [her kits] too much" which is what drove her to insanity, and to get revenge on the cats that caused their deaths. I love all the thought put into this! Not like, on a personal basis but more like how a bad storm can affect where an airplane can fly. That is my last promise to you.Mapleshade swears revenge against her former mate, Appledusk, for turning his back on her. HEAVILY inspired by u/Bee8467 's idea of Frecklewish taking care of Mapleshade's kits in Starclan! Oh Appledusk. Although I love Mapleshade, she deserves to go to the DF, and Appledusk to StarClan. She then kills Frecklewish using adders. Are Mapleshade kits in Starclan? But they face distrust due to their half-Clan heritage. Stormkit was about their age when he broke his jaw trying to cross the stones. The ThunderClan medicine cat Ravenwing also sees them, and tells her that he's figured out that the father of the kits is Appledusk, not Birchface. Larchkit mews a RiverClan warrior had to save Patchkit. His apprentice, Perchpaw, attacked Mapleshade and gave her wounds that would later on end her life. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Warriors Fanfiction is a FANDOM Books Community. I am an admin of this site. Ashfur, however, is a bit more complicated he never actually breaks the code he's only ever given the chance to make threats to murder in the case of trying to murder Jayfeather and his siblings. These traumatic events left a huge mark on Mapleshade. Thanks Momma!. Patchkit wailed in his head, What did Mapleshade do to deserve this? The other bridge was way too far away. Same thing goes for Hollyleaf. Why would you want to go to StarClan? So when Appledusk tells her he blames her for the death of the kits, hes right. Because honestly, Crowfeather has never done anything so bad by any metric to get him sent to the Dark Forest, so that would really make 0 sense. Thats my prey!. She tried her best to rescue them, alongside a patrol of RiverClan cats, but unfortunatly failed as all three kits drowned. When Stormkit's jaw was permanently disfigured, resulting in him being rejected and renamed "Crookedkit" by his mother, and leaving him restless with unfocused ambition, Mapleshade seized the opportunity to turn him down a dark path. Mapleshade goes by some RiverClan cats who snarl at her and remember the day one of their warriors, Appledusk, struck a ThunderClan cat, Birchface, so hard that he fell into the river and drowned. Imagine the power we could have the revenge we could take. You will regret this, Appledusk. Today was also the day of Half-Moon, where us medicine cats go to the Highstones. I went through the agony of bearing your kits! Of course, this then begs the question: what is the criteria for a bad cat? Her third kit vanishes, and she thinks they're free, but also can't find them. Your loyalty should be to your Clan, not her! This leads me to my final theory, which is the only thing that I think truly makes sense: cats choose to go to StarClan or the Dark Forest. She awoke in the Dark Forest and she felt pleased. Yeah, agreed Mapleshade, pretending to be wistful. Y-You're supposed to be dead!" You will find much better company in the cats here, Tigerclaw. Hes been spending alot of time in the medicine cat den, and I really need an apprentice. I felt bad for ya girl. Warrior cats is about clans of feral cats surviving in the wild. Momma knows whats best, mewed the one and only Patchkit, who Mapleshade adored how he would always stand up for her. She became mates with Appledusk, a warrior of RiverClan, and was expecting his kits. Appledusk's apprentice jumps on Mapleshade and bites her neck, badly wounding her; she vows to take revenge on Reedshine and Appledusk's bloodline before crawling away. After RiverClan cast her out of the scene, Mapleshade went into grief and hallucinated of her dead kits crying out to be avenged. You two mustve been a great couple.. The Blog Monthly is back written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone! The group arrived at the river. Also included in a three-pack bundle with the rest of. If it is for Crimsonwish, Im gonna take it. Upon taking her and the kit's bodies to RiverClan camp, Appledusk blamed Mapleshade for crossing the river which resulted in the kit's deaths, and rejected her in front of his Clan. Or, I think the case could also be made that she killed Ashfur out of self-defense/ to protect the clan because he was clearly unhinged and a threat. Period. Spottedleaf, dying, tells him that that was never meant to happen and that she couldnt journey with him anymore. CROOKEDSTAR LITERALLY WELCOMED GRAYSTRIPE (Silverstreams mate of thunderclan) WITH OPEN ARMS IN ORDER FOR HIM TO TAKE CARE OF HIS DARLING KITS! To be rejected twice? I have walked beside you from the day you were born, guiding your paw steps, laying out your destiny before you. by 1.9K 94 23 "Hollyleaf?! This is merely a Fanfiction. Much, much more lies ahead of us, Tigerclaw. Pigma Micron Archival Ink pens. However, she ended up falling in love with a RiverClan tom namedAppledusk, which was forbidden by the Warrior Code. Judging their character at only four moons old?! But, if tricking StarClan like that is so easy, then why didnt the other cats in the Dark Forest, like Darkstripe, Hawkfrost, or Thistleclaw do that? Waves of rain spiraled down from the sky, crashing down on the clearing and the roof of our den. I find the fact that it seems like the Dark Forest is a choice strange, but interesting. She made him watch his mother drown, his brother fallin love with a ThunderClan she-cat, and his mate and all but one of hisdaughtersdie of sickness. You will regret this, Appledusk. During her exile, Mapleshade had visions of her drowned kits, initially wailing for help and then urging her to commit murder. So, if murder was a criteria to get someone in the Dark Forest, this would make sense for cats like Mapleshade, Brokenstar, and Tigerstar who all murdered others during their life. Why would you want to go to StarClan? And, yeah I put Mapleshade in the murdering because of a purpose category (wanting to get revenge because of the death of her kits,) but not the murdering for fun category. A fresh fish, straight from the river! Appledusk plucks it down in front of the kits. Ive seen the incidents that happened the past few weeks, and Petalkit certainly resembles..hmm..Appledusk. Much, much more lies ahead of us, Tigerclaw. You have everything that I wanted, Sandstorm! I compare Mapleshade to La Llorana the weeping woman form Mexican legends. Once she left, I grabbed the mouse and took it back to Crimsonwish. For now, you don't need to know anything else. If the argument there is that Ashfur suffered a mental breakdown from breaking up with Squirrelflight, which prompted his murderous actions, and so, therefore, he cannot be accountable for what he did, since he simply "loved too much," then, that completely fits the bill with Mapleshade as well. My opinion on the warrior code part 2 by Ivywish, Top 5 Cats with HUGE insecurities by Riverspirit, Mojoflight AKA Mojo (She/Her and/or Hu/Hum), Frostpaw/moon is running for Senior Warrior , Was Goosefeather really delusional? In this separate timeline, Mapleshades kits lived and Mapleshade proves Ravenwing wrong about the prophecy of the 3 reeds. I blinked. Nothing, remember? He told you to wait. Tigerstar | Thistleclaw | Mapleshade | Goosefeather | Ashfur | Darkstripe | Hollyleaf, RiverClan She stumbles to the barn where she'd slept before, and falls unconscious for the last time. I was right. Super stupid imo. Sol | One Eye | Slash's Group (Slash, Bee, Snake) | Stripes's Group (Stripes) | Jacques and Susan | Darktail | Rain | Dodge's Group (Dodge) | Jaggedtooth | Willie's Group (Willie), Non-Cats As aresult, shewas held in high esteem by her Clanmates, who believed she would one day become deputy and then leader. It was too far, and they were tired. Frecklewish hoped that Mapleshade would name one of her kits after Birchface. Mapleshade was convinced StarClan was giving her an opportunity and said yes, they were Birchface's kits. She also killed Frecklewish, who watched her kits drown, and Ravenwing, who revealed her secret as a result of an omen from StarClan, killing three cats in total. La Llorona drowned her kids after being angry and drowns kids thinking their here own kids, shes in grief and wails for them. Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). I think that she was haunted by her grief, and the death of her kits, and when she thought that she had to avenge them, the idea manifested inside her grieving brain. He never really wanted to be a warrior anyway.. As if that wouldn't be enough, M. thunderclan patchkit mapleshade +12 more # 6 -Scarlet stream- (Hollyleaf vampir. She fought in the Great Battle and attempted to kill Sandstorm, but instead killed Spottedleaf for protecting Sandstorm, where she was chased back to the Dark Forest. The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition, Mapleshade & Crookedstar - Mini Collector Figures, Mapleshade and Appledusk's confrontation, Mapleshade's confrontation with Spottedleaf. This is a sub-reddit dedicated to fans of the Warriors series published by HarperColins. I nodded, trying not to drop the herb. Birchface is rightfully their father, and they are Thunderclan cats through and through! Needless to say, the Clan does not take this well, and Mapleshade and her kits are exiled. The black tom approached her with calm manner. Mapleshade padded through the thick layers of bracken covering the wooden floor, Patchkit's scruff gripped in her teeth and her two other kits bundling on behind her. Mapleshade briefly trained him in his dreams, buteventually didn't bother with him anymore, as she knew he was "already doomedby StarClan". "You must promise me that you will be loyal to your Clan above all other things. Seasons later, Mapleshade started working for Ashfur in the hopes of being able to live again. He rejected her in front of RiverClan, who then refused to let her stay. In the recent months, and years, really, I've noticed that there have been a lot of people who, without much reason, just seem to defend Mapleshade and say she should go to Starclan, blah blah blah. Although I was trying not to let my personal bias cloud my analysis in the post. She kept their relationship a secret, sneaking out at night to meet him in private. She shook her head, trying to rid off the intruding thought, but it was no use. He was only foiled first when Brambleclaw killed Hawkfrost to save Firestar, and second when Squirrelflight revealed that the kits werent hers biologically and tricked Ashfur into thinking their deaths wouldnt hurt her. To be honest, I was a little stung by that comment. In Mapleshade's Vengeance, she falls in love with Appledusk. Mapleshade is a sturdy, large, matted, sleek, tortoiseshell she-cat with a scar on the bridge of her nose, a fluffy white tail, and amber eyes. Appledusk had promised to meet her at the ThunderClan-Riveclan border at sunhigh. She became obsessed with seeking vengeance for her kits' deaths and achieved this by killing Ravenwing, Frecklewish, and Appledusk, but not before being fatally wounded by Perchpaw, Appledusk's apprentice. But, I cant think of a better explanation as to why some cats go to the Dark Forest, and others dont. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Larchkit nodded. Why did Mapleshade hate Sandstorm? Assigning Blame in Mapleshade's Vengeance by Flamecloud She tells him that she's expecting his kits, and he promises that they can still see each other when things calm down. Go eat it while your mother and I talk.. I feel frozen with excitement! My brother jumped off of Wasppaw as she approached. The irony in this is that Birchface was killed (albeit accidentally) by Appledusk, the real father of Mapleshade's kits, during a battle between ThunderClan and RiverClan at the Sunningrocks. However, Ravenwing, the ThunderClan medicine cat, later deduced that Appledusk was the real father of Mapleshade's kits after receiving an omen of three reeds from Starclan, and later seeingher meeting Appledusk at the border, and told the Clan. Well, he's the only cat to die and make it back to the Clans in a living body. Mapleshade vows vengeance on Ravenwing and Frecklewish, blaming them for her kits' deaths. Mapleshade almost spoke, but it was someone else who defended her. I totally agree about Ashfur haha. Mapleshade opened her mouth to speak, but Larchkit took over for her. Once exiled, Mapleshade crosses the stepping stones when the rivers going to flood. Mapleshade still felt a sickening in her stomach as she went back to camp. This is Thesecret1070. Then Sandstorm chases Mapleshade to the border and comes back. According to one of the authors, Vicky Holmes these were actually hallucinations caused by Mapleshade's grief and feelings of betrayal, which drove her mad. Frecklewish asks if Birchface, Frecklewish's brother, the warrior who Appledusk killed, is their father. Greystripe was killings in battle, 2 . Thank you! Yes, it WAS Mapleshade's Fault that her Kits Drowned by HollyleafTheGreat Fan Articles November 2, 2020 59 comments 4 min read HollyleafTheGreat takes a look at Mapleshade's involvement in the death of her kits. Mapleshade then became a rogue and quicklyfell into insanity, her mind crawling withhallucinations of her drowned kits. He looked at me, reassurance in his eyes. Of course. I dashed outside, nodding to Crimsonwish. Ashfur still attempted to murder kitties. Spottedpaw tries to step in and stop him when he deals a killing bite, but he snarls at her. Mapleshade goes for her instead, but Appledusk jumps in the way, and he takes the fatal hit. The river borrowed through the territories like a weaving snake, letting nothing get in its way. The tom that was truly the father. Mapleshade faced betrayal and heartbreak in her life, and the burning need to make everyone else feel her pain followed her even beyond death. Now.can I ask you a question? Mapleshade swears to get revenge on Appledusk.
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