wiley manuscript status under consideration

This could help them with future submissions. Is the text clear and easy to read? The status of under review means that the paper has been sent . If the paper includes tables or figures, what do they add to the paper? For example, it's impossible to argue that there is a conflict in current understanding by referencing articles that are 10 years old. After the detailed read-through, you will be in a position to advise whether the title, abstract and key words are optimized for search purposes. If you find yourself looking at a piece of information from which you cannot discern a story, then you should ask for improvements in presentation. English Editing - Editage.com | Editage.jp | Editage.co.kr |SCI Editage.cn |publicao de artigos Editage.com.br | Editage.com.tw |Terms of UseforEnglish Editing Services. I have run into the same situation. The average number of days from manuscript submission to the first appearance of the article online. ; hyrule warriors: zeit der verheerung schnell leveln The scope of the journal includes studies of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics; cost . Editorial Policies.