John, 266 Workinton, 49 Gruel, Judith, 211 257 Abraham, 6, 189-91, 220 They needed to act swiftly to attract settlers. Anne, 73-4 Childsbury Free School, 183 Thomas, 194 266-7, 308, 375 Peter, 113, 233, 289 357 160, 167, 189, 239, 247, Benjamin S., 222 218, 298 Anne (Rnault), 112 Ferrand, Jaguer, 100 7, 130, 216, 237 168 A thesis written for a Master of Arts Degree in History, this work explores the assimilation of the Huguenot refugee into, first, the British colonial society and, second, into the elite of the American "Deep South" culture prevalent before the Civil War. Benjamin, 269 215, 218-22 White Hall Path, 271 Sieur de Wees, 57 Collins, Andrew And Mary Collins To Frances Avant, Sale For 400 Acres Of Land On The Black River. Jane (Smith), 116 St. Sauveur, France, 205 Susanne (Dutartre), 104 Netherlands, The, 121 265 Included in this list are English language genealogy resources in the ISL collection relating to French heritage in France, Canada, and pockets of the U.S. and the Caribbean, such as New Orleans. Jacob, 65, 76, 97, 110, 240, Francis, 271, 294-5, 297, 325, Massif Central, France, 368 Philip Gendron, 22, 141, 373-4 Peter (III), 172, 301-4, 321 (Chastaigner), 84 Bivet, Ann, 78 Marianne, 118 Nicholas, 157, 165-6, 291, 339 Susannah (Benoist), 273 Judith (Laurens), 201 Nicholson Sarah (Cantey), 262 Mary, 337 Thomas, 259, 261 5. pp 20, Charleston, South Carolina, 1897. Mr., 85 Poyas, 375 Mary de, 284, 317-18 Judith, 262 Daniel (II), 247 Pierre, 210 Underwood, Peter, 76 147, 149, 154, 185, 190, 218, Naturalization, 4, 13, 15-6, 42, Mary (Delamere), 204 3. See also Genillat. Marie, 342 Hughes Girodz, Solomon, 56, 86, 238, 105, 174-5, 177, 193, 201, Broad Path, 125, 200, 231 Susannah Elizabeth, 211 Pinckney Jeanne Elisabet (Videau), 55, McAlla/ Mc Calla, 321 Fortress of the Soul: Violence, Metaphysics, and Material Life in the Huguenots' New World, 1517-1751 Johns Hopkins U. James, 236-8 264-6 James, 89, 305 314, 315 Marie, 63, 64 Pierre, 9, 58, 135-7, 249-52 Cochereau Langlois, Nicholas, 211, 320 178-9, 181, 203, 205, 219, 226, Diego (Appalachia Indian), Etienne, 16, 219, 238-9, 253, LeJay Dutart. 179, 181-3, 254-6, 299 217, 375 Bonoit See also Benoist/Benoit. Faur/Faure, 294 Nova Scotia, Canada, 39, 87, 108, Pocataligo River, 134, 304 Georges, 17, 194-6, 348, 358 Doar, David, 40, 352, 374 Fountain Creek, 20, 22, 121, 145 She herself habitually retired to meditate and pray, and composed numerous works of devotional poetry, including those published in the Marguerites de la Marguerite des princesses (1547). 281-3, 310, 315 Peter, Jr., 258 Jonah, 35 Mr., 207 Anne (DuBose), 103 343, 347 Garnett, S.C. (P.O. TABLE I NAMES of the Foreign Refugees* who settled in Great Britain and Ireland before the reign of Louis XIV, (1643) of France; and their descendants: Mary (Jaudon), 188 For a time, at least, there was more freedom for the Huguenots. The lowcountry French soon came to own large . Warren, 40 Ralph, Jr., 84 Harleston Picault Bluff, 31, 334 Gabrielle, 55, 149, 202, 253-4, See also Waties. DuBosc/DuBose/Dubose, 375 Henry, 30, 149-51, 235-6, 316 Anna, 195 143, 198, 279, 280 . Servant, 9, 44, 55, 74, 76, 97, James (II), 341 Deume River, France, 120 211, 218, 229, 231, 233, Wind, 64, 68, 191 225 163, 167, 171, 191, 193, John, 357 Joseph, 244 Major, 267 315, 341, 348, 359 Benjamin, 35, 163, 183, 193, Port des Barques, France, 157 Bettison, Sarah, 171 2, 333-4 Frances, 52 184, 188, 194, 206, 208, 228, Heard, Ester, 329 John, 224 Rachel, 272 Parish, Belin, 6, 126 Early descriptions of the French Huguenot settlements in North Carolina come from the journal of explorer and surveyor John Lawson, A New Voyage to Carolina (1709). COSTELLO / DeCOSTELLO . Senechauds, 325-6 King Virginia coast at the mouth of the James River. Mrs. Dupin, 178 Anne, 249 Etienne, 6, 30, 58, 59, 75, 99, Le Marchant, Jeanne, 201, 205 Anne (Grimball), 304, 5 St. Pauls Parish, 36, 243-4 Susanne, 9, 10, 127-9, 143-4, 288, 304 Judith (DuBois), 262 Judith (Peyre), 261-2, 351 Gardener, 157, 358 Stephen, 112, 158, 166, 187, John, 45-6, 87, 91, 94, 100, In 1521 she began a correspondance with Guillaume Brionnet, bishop of Meaux, who introduced her to the evangelist movement and the call for reform within the Catholic Church and a return to the original purity of the Scriptures. Frederick, 124-6, 162, 170, Doublet, Elizabeth, 133-4 Elizabeth, 177 Pon Pon River, 244 Glaze, Gabinah, 269 280, 323 217, 221, 279, 322 Judith (Serr), 171, 239, 332 Besselleu, Mark Anthony, 203 236- 7, 351 214, 219, 222, 239, 274, 184, 195, 200, 206, 208, Jean, 6, 11, 13, 16, 96, 134-5, See also Dutartre. Jennens/Jennins 259, 317 Andrew, 158 Du Frenne, Madeleine, 168 332 Gray Henriette Charlotte, 82, 84 John (II), 167 Taverns, 5, 279, 362, 371 Jeanne Burgeaud, sa femme, n en L'isle de R. Marie (Pel), 203 Henry, 112, 349 326, 329, 339, 345, 347-8, Jacques de, 57, 79 Esther (Gaillard), 130 Anthony (II), 349 John, 61, 92, 103, 111-12, 126, Mary (Skrine), 127 Bruyre. Ester, 9, 119-2, 124, 127, 130, Sabril, John, 269 Ester Madeleine, 350 Gulf of Mexico, 361 Alexandre, 55, 265, 273, 275 Marie (DuGu), 104 Henrietta, 139, 318 Marie, 134 Mariner, 61, 97, 101, 110, 166, Shipping Broker, 209 Favre Joseph, 94, 287 See DeJean, 115 Jouet, Abigail, 48-9 Le Cert 123-4, 128, 137, 148-50, Butler, Jon, The Huguenots in America, A Refugee People in New World Society; Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1983. Richard, 61, 92 Margaret, 172, 221 219, 231, 245, 258, 286, Lafons, David, 296, 317 Ashley River, 6, 10, 133, 148, Rebecca (Sullivan), 335 John, 77, 156-7 Madeleine, 231, 286-7, 306-7 William, 151, 236, 240 Frances, 237 Illiare, Claudiana, 86 Elizabeth (Wicking), 204 Anne (Cordes), 261, 350 217 Modemen, Jeanne, 264 Caterine, 245 Susanna, 150, 239 149-50, 152, 159, 167, 190, Jacks Creek, 137, 296, Jacks Lake, 128 DArabin, Jeanne Ren (de St. Martha (Williams), 78 Thomas, 249 Charming Mary, 192 Hester, 279 Magdeleine (Le Noir), 197 Judith, 340-1 Sarah, 101 286, 304 Susannah Elizabeth (DuBose), 231, 264-5, 327, 357-8 Hort 255 Thomas, 48 Thomas, 58, 65 225, 227-8, 238, 241-2, 246, Susannah (Jeanneret), 192, 247 Pierre, 50-1 Peter Elias, 304 166, 325, 335, 343 No, 250 Petineau/Peteneau. Waha, 334 Elizabeth Mayrant, 242 Tidyman, Philip, 191, 229, 353 James, 126, 194, 216, 286-7, Charenton, le-de-France, France, 118, 168, 231, 268-72, 276, 168, 173-4, 177-8, 181, Dunlop, William, 6 John, Jr., 338 307-8, 323, 328, 332 Jeanne (Moreau), 132 Anne (Sauret), 57 Burgeaud Christian Mary, 336, 338 New Orleans, LA, 185 Nol, Switzerland, 189 French Santee Settlement, Thomas, 208 James (II), 233 John, 235 Muster House, 39 Arnell, William, 307 The first wave of French Huguenots came to South Carolina in the 1680s. Elie, 185, 245-6 Robert/Roberts Judith (DuGu), 310 Henry (III), 204 Some historians estimate that Protestants accounted for 10% of the population of France in the 16 th century. Huguenots were ordered to renounce their faith and join the Catholic Church. Ceron. Marguerite, 133 Martha (Dutarque), 112 Mooney/Money, Susannah, 335 Auguste, 203 James, 235, 276 Sale [Morocco], 360 Chachan, 237 189, 191, 202, 328 323-4 276 Gabrielle, 85 253, 260, 263, 281, 282, Elizabeth, 309 69, 72, 88, 104, 117, 126, Humphrey, 234, 357-8 Pierre, 153, 201, 254-5, 257, Francis, 29, 76 Joseph, 108 James, 45, 210 Sieur de Lomboy, 69, 85, 166, Castelnau, 4 See also Picault. Jacques, 209 And, Louis XIV hired 300,000 troops to hunt the heretics down and confiscate their property. Jonathan, 151 Murphy Creek, 169, 174 University of Sedan, France, 74 Isaac Mazyck; born in Charleston. North Santee, 190 Mepkin, 204 Jeanne Rene de, 283, 309 Collinot/Collineau, Marguerite, Jean-Louis, 369 316-7, 320, 340 3, 263, 280, 288, 294-6, John, 163, 334 137, 140, 175, 320, 330 DuBois/Dubois. 289 Black Pioneers (Carolina), 39 144, 147, 149, 171, 185, 196, 200, 210, 213, 223, 228, Walnut Grove, 216 Rogers St. Stephens Parish, 31, 34, 36-7, Jean, 122 Judith Jeanne, 265 Russ 302, 320, 323 Marianne (Palmer), 34 Water, 64, 371 89, 113, 227, 267, 289 Margueritte (Huger), 168-9, Steel Rebecca (Allston), 352 Charlotte, 84 The colony of Carolina was settled by English people|English settlers, mostly from Barbados, sent by the Lords Proprietors in 1663, followed by Huguenot|French Huguenots. Ann Porcher, 352 248-9, 266, 295, 297, 302, Joseph, 46, 114 LISTE Des Franois et Suisses Refugiez en Caroline qui souhaittent d' tre naturalizs Anglois. Thanks to the generous support of the Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust, the Huguenot Society has been able to digitize and share its scholarly journal, Transactions of the Huguenot Society of South Carolina. Elizabeth Marye, 133 Mr., 101 Lyon, France, 59, 120, 327 Elizabeth, 275 Canada, 185, 297 241, 282-3, 286, 294, 298, PIERRE COLLIN, n en L'isle de R, fils de Jean Collin, et de Judith Vasleau. 299 Marguerite (Gourdain), 152 Jeanne (Roque), 197 Anne (Ribouleau), 74 Mary (de Ville), 143 Francis, 64 Henry, 316 Cherigny, Claude de , 268-72 Bonsal Railroad, 373, 375 136-7, 146, 149-50, 153, Margaret, 134, 266 Madelin(Garillon), 62 197, 201, 350, 363, 368 Danson House, Kent, England, 62 127, 130, 132, 137, 150 Peter/Pierre, 48-9, 248 South Africa / Suid-Afrika; Switzerland / Suisse / Schweiz; United Kingdom & Ireland; United States; ", from: Marquise, Dame, 61, 342 Saulnier/Saunier Alexander, 85 333-4 This paper advocates that the French Protestants in Carolina did not disappear as a separate cultural group but rather, they adopted certain . Peter/Pierre (II), 48 Madeleine (Rembert), 103, Jeanne (Huberson), 135, 249- 139 269, 302, 307, 314, 323, England, 208 Marie Anne (Rimbaud), 152 Scott English Channel, 360 Marie Aime (Ravenel) de, Susanne, 282 Ptremand, Marie, 297 211 Perry, 375 Peter, 73, 166, 180, 202, 214, Berlony, John, 279 Lacam, Jean, 56 175 Mr., 53 Anne (Saloavay/Salvavay), 98 Elizabeth de, 237, 318 Elizabeth (Mazck), 140-1 Vintner, 151, 326, 334, 345 Stewarts Bluff, 31, 177, 334 Marinna. Saint Mdard, France, 228 Daniel, 211 191, 216, 289 Sarah (Anderson), 174-5 Marie (Potell), 54, 63, 273-4 171, 249, 329-1 Peter, 259 Henry Laurens signed the Declaration of Independence for South Carolina. Ferry Keeper, 127, 162, 233, Sarah (Faucheraud), 117 John, 288, 307, 309 Thomas, 197 333-4 7- 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 23, 25-6, Marie (Perdriau), 256 Jeanne, 135, 251, 359 Pechels 223-4 John, 192 195, 227, 261, 348, 349 Druggist, 210 225, 247, 251, 282, 285, 308, Marie, 63-4 191-2, 196, 209, 230, 245- Marion, 151, 236 Elie, 118, 179, 255, 297, 358 Creek, 11, 17, 20, 28-9, 33, 36, Ashepoo River, 6, 58, 144 Anthoine Bonneau, Jean Henri Bonneau, leurs enfans nz en France, et Jacob Bonneau, leur fils n en Caroline. Jullienne, 295, 297 Hamlin Jacques, 105-7, 139, 158, 160, Norman/Normand 127-8, 130-1, 133, 138, Mary, 157, 238 Marie, 256 Ann, 184 James, 289, 295 Judith, 231-2 Le Roy Marie, 268, 272 Some see this dual emphasis on creation and on salvation, and God's sovereignty over both, as a cornerstone principle for Huguenot developments in architecture, textiles and other merchandise. Jean, 227 Alexander, 324 Fougeraut, 196. Feverie, Rev., 152 Rachel, 254-5, 259 St. James Santee Vestry, 26, 33-6, 319 Samuel, 48, 49, 50 Madeleine, 246, 284 Benjamin (II), 234-5, 237 Hutchinson, 54 212, 214, 229, 231, 236, Durant, Will. 247, 307, 327, 332, 345-6 Laverick, 309 226, 308, 339-40, 344, 348, Margaret/Marguerite, 192 Lawson, 20 Lydia, 126, 260-2 Capt., 84, 180 noquet family . Port-des-Barques, France, 114-5 Black Natt, 359 Margaret (Robert), 303 Franoise, 135 Skrine Pierre, 6, 47-8, 248 284 315 103-4, 126, 160-1, 163, 187, 134-41, 145, 182-3, 213, Robert, 15, 252 Eeme, 86, 155, 238, 247, 346 Jonathan, 53 Gibbon, William, 341 249-50 355 Many also settled in Florida and South Carolina. 345, 357 Jacquine, 117-8, 243 ISAAC CAILLABEUF, n Ste. Peter, 35, 71, 108-10, 161, The names of Huguenot leaders at that time included the royal houses of Navarre, Valois, and Cond; Admiral Coligny, and hundreds of other officers in the military. Alexandre Thse, 6, 9, 13, 57, Religious wars began in France. Anthony, 51-2, 54, 92, 201, from: North Carolina, 199 Schwartzkoff, Jacob Nicolas, 36 Marshall:, 272 Madeleine (Chardon), 134-5, Susannah (Lemonier), 104, Isaac, 184 Nicolas Du Pr/DuPr/Dupr, 221, 375 39 Gabriel, 74-5, 345 Elizabeth, 232 Daniel, 265 The Huguenots were oppressed by the French government. Jacques, 210 Marguerite (de Bourdeaux), Bridge of the Stone, 79, 85 Norugatt, Jane, 276 Marianne, 326 Paul, 170 John (III/Jr. Susannah, 76-77 Samuel Putnam called her "The First Modern Woman". Mary, 336 Bartholomew 244 Isaac, 135, 249, 252 Samuel, 259 Peter, 113, 160, 201, 289 Black Swamp (Jasper County), Mary Drinker, 222 Maybank Frances, 226 Jeanne Elizabeth (Guerri), 37, Jafford/Jefford. Touraine Province, France, 6, 74, Mary Henrietta (Gaultier), 297 Hastrel 109, 114, 124-6, 160, 163, 345, 370 Keen, Anne, 134 Charles, 117 The French Huguenot Church of Charleston, which remains independent, is the oldest continuously active Huguenot congregation in the United States. Cabanis Elizabeth (Robert), 305 329, 350 Gilliet, Esther, 327 Chastaigner Family, 11, 17, 128, 212, 218-20, 298-9, 301 Maryanne (Savineau), 324 Thomas, 23, 375 New Bordeaux, SC, 41, 195 Mr., 197-8 Anne, 264 Paul, 139, 215, 259, 316 293, 296, 300, 308, 315, 320, Daniel, 264, 266-7, 295, 323, St. James Goose Creek Parish, 26, Benjamin, 199 Contains baptismal, marriage, and . Tacitus, 35, 96, 124-6, 193-4, Her Miroir de l'me pecheresse, first published in 1531, then again as the first poem in the Marguerites (1547), provoked the censure of the Sorbonne theologians for its expression of ideas associated with the religious reform movement. Hannah, 233, 309 Bourget, Daniel, 297 Delemelerie, James Andinett, 178 Church, 48, 238, 306 David, 134 John, 340 Isaac, 303 George, 186, 245, 315 Palot, Marie, 62 Librarian (Royal), 57 Gideon, 359 Jean Andr, 62 Chapron, Marie, 56 David, 86, 155, 239, 346 Judith (Fruchard), 315 Peter, 335 Pennsylvania exceeded those in South Carolina.1 1 Laux, "The Huguenot Element in Pennsylvania," p. 1. Jeanneret,331 See Lemonier. Seaboard Railroad, 374 Jeanne (Prinseaud), 335 Magdeleine, 325 Bricklayer, 108, 244 Mary, 190, 192 17. Selby, Thomas, 98 Mary, 211 Gabriel (II), 237 Deputy Register, 269 Godin James (II), 130 Gabrielle (Chataigne), 85 De Rousserye, 97
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