united kingdom of taured

. On checking his passport, they see that he hails from a country called Taured. Almost more bizarre too, with John attempting to kill himself in front of the judge after receiving a one year sentence. And as is often the case, the truth isn't quite as exciting as the legend. ( quickshooting / Adobe Stock). The hard-nosed, hard-working, humorless population of 3.271 billion Tauredians are either ruled by a . This rather tears it, I think. In recent years have called for their own country in northern Mali called Azawad. Full credit to u/NatanaelAntonioli and u/taraiochi for their amazing detective work, and Im delighted that were finally able to put this old chestnut to rest. Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. For Japan to all experience the same dream about the Man from Tauran that in itself is intriguing who knows but, Japan was there at that moment in Time; I wasn't so I really couldn't speak as an matter-of-fact that it didn't happen. I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, Dizzying Inca Rope Bridges Were Grass-Made Marvels of Engineering, For Sale In Britain: A Small Ancient Man With A Colossal Penis. Read more about the European Union here. While sorting through some 280,000 artifacts excavated from land reserved for a highway construction project running from Cambridge to the village of Huntingdon in eastern England, archaeologists affiliated with the Museum of London Archaeology discovered a miniature comb that was incredibly ancient and also made from a most unusual material. He was a seasoned traveler and businessman who had already visited Japan three times that year, as the stamps in his passport confirmed. The passport is stated to have been issued in Tamanrosset, the capital of the independent sovereign State of Tuarid. The first half of the 20th century saw two World Wars seriously deplete the UK's strength and the Irish . Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 25 January 2021. 5.0 out of 5 stars Definitely worth a read. Clearly, much of the mans story seemed plausible, but the official couldnt let someone into his country with a passport from somewhere he had never heard of. Zegrus and his Korean wife entered Haneda Airport from Taipei using a forged passport on October 24 last year, but by December he was having trouble paying for his stay and cashed about 200,000 worth of counterfeit checks at Tokyo banks. When questioned by customs officers, he said this was his third time visiting Japan using this passport. One man, described as caucasian looking with dark hair and a beard, handed over his well-worn, stamp-filled booklet. [] When the accused was cross-examined he said that it was a State of 2 million population somewhere south of the Sahara. [Zegruss] gallant gesture for the individualist, unfortunately, ended with the Japanese in Tokyo. Most investigations into the man from Taured seem to hit the same dead end. Until, next time Everyone, Have a Happy New Year everybody, Goodbye! Victims of bureaucracy all over the universe will be delighted to hear that he was wonderfully received everywhere -- well, almost everywhere. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy.The country's head of state is the reigning king or queen, and the head of government is the prime minister, who is the leader of the majority political party in the House of Commons.. However, it appears that it wasnt made up, but is based on a true story. Thankfully, the man spoke Japanese, though with a slight French accent, and was able to tell his story to the airport official. Attempted suicide immediately after sentencing Fictitious nationality, fluent in 14 languages A mysterious foreigner of unknown nationality and background, accused of illegal entry and fraud, tried. Did the first half happen, though? Category RankScore. I have first a science Question then a Science fiction Question. Havana Syndrome: Why Do US Diplomats Keep Getting Sick? you didnt just prove what we all already knew (that it wasnt true) but managed to make the story even more interesting. Ancient Origins 2013 - 2023Disclaimer- Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy -Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. Zegrus claimed to be from a city called Tamanrasset, which is a real city in Algeria. Lanjut ke misteri 'Pria Dari Taured'. If so, the solution may be nothing more than the French-Japanese language barrier. Report abuse. (once transliterated into Japanese, it's nearly impossible to translate Foreign language people/place names [excluding maybe Chinese and Korean, etc.] The United Kingdom was part of the European Union from 1973 until 'Brexit' was finalised on 3 1 December 2020 when the transition period (from 31 January 2020) ended with new arrangements between the EU and the UK. The dramatic story of the origins of humanity in Greek mythology involves love, pain, and a hefty dose of What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? Did the man from Taured disappear back into a parallel dimension or travel back to the future? While they conducted their investigation, they put him up at a nearby hotel for the night. Zegrus' case was used to argue that 'passports are not very good security checks', as this man had managed to travel around the world with this document without any problems. The story of the man from Taured details the man trying to convince the immigration officers that Taured does indeed exist. Assuming that maybe he was a spy or criminal, the officers then asked him why he was in Japan, although again this led to a dead end. 1995 - 2023 by Snopes Media Group Inc. He immediately points his finger towards the Principality of Andorra, but becomes angry and confused. Outline Map. Although his primary interest is in the ancient civilizations of the Near East, he is also interested in other geographical regions, as well as other time periods. Read More. 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Now immigration jail isn't terribly pleasant so, if you are a person of means, immigration will check you into a hotel and place a guard on the door so you can have a nice bed, showers, and significantly better food. Key Facts. In evidence, he describes himself as an intelligence agent for Colonel Nasser and a naturalized Ethiopian. Now four constituent nations form the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland). In the original Japanese article, it was ".". The defendant, John Allen K. Ziegler [sic] (36), was sentenced by Judge Yamagishi to one year of imprisonment. The official currency of United Kingdom of Taured is the Dong.At 23 days old, United Kingdom of Taured is a young nation. The company for which he claims to work has never heard of him. Every culture has an explanation about how we got here. I do not care to read anything having to do with Snopes referencing toward anything to do with science, history and present education, Ever. There is a story, questionable at best, that a man arrived in the 1950's in Japan with an authentic looking passport supposedly from the country of Taured. He's still a pretty bizarre and mysterious man in my book. His action takes precedence, we think, over the American citizen who flew his own plane round the world wearing his own uniform, receiving homage from all and sundry. C 2 bn u t chi nhng . The Man From Taured. He was part of the crowd as it made its way through customs. The explanation thats most popular today is that the story was simply made up. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. Later, when the hotel room he was held in was opened, the man had disappeared. The company officials in Tokyo he was there to do business with? ( Public Domain ). Zegrus, self-styled American who has professedly acted as an agent for the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency, entered this country in 1959 on a bogus passport. His conversation with the custom officials is absolutely mind-boggling. To impress officials, he invented a nation, a capital, a people and a language. The Taured mystery as covered in Media The case of John Allen Kuchar Zegrus was widely covered widely in the mainstream media. Belief in malevolent spirits inhabiting the human body has persisted across cultures for millennia. Or did he reveal truths about our universe that were previously unknown to humankind? Absolute Monarchy - United Kingdom of Taured Constitutional Monarchy - Principality of Taured Republic - United Taured Republic Technocracy - Shapers Nation Communism - People's Republic of Taured Stratocracy - Tauredian Military Junta Angelocracy - Church of Taured Environmentalism - Green Earth Taured John claimed to be a naturalized Ethiopian and an intelligence agent for Colonel Nasser. The passport was stamped as issued at Tamanrasset, the capital of Tuared south of the Sahara. Any places so romantically named ought to exist, but they dont. And dinosaurs. This is why it's called The United Kingdom of the Valleys of Taured. When asked to point to the country on the map,. Whether the author of The Directory of Possibilities mangled a story he had heard long ago, or simply fabricated his own version for the sake of intrigue, it seems clear that the tale of John Allen Zegrus inspired the story of the man from Taured. The story of the man from Taured begins quite specifically in many sources with a hot day in July 1954. Wind Gusts 14 mph. The forged passport Zegrus used to enter the country was handmade, and the name of the country it bore, Negusi Habesi Ghouloulouloul Esprit, was completely fictitious. The ancient Greeks were no different. Just remember, act like youve been there before. Although variations in orthography and spelling in different accounts of Zegrus' exploits make matters even more confusing, we note that Tamanrasset is the name of a province and city in Algeria, and Tuareg is the name of a group of people and languages in and around the country of Algeria, it's possible Zegrus hailed from (or claimed to hail from) that region of the world. Where he got it, though, I have no idea. Antonioli also linked to a 1960 speech by British M.P. 92.4. La locuzione Uniferesi Britanik deoi Taured tradotta con "The United Kingdom of Taured". John Allen Kuchar Zegrus invented them. However, the Tamanrasset that Zegrus claimed to be from was located in a Sub-Saharan country, which he called Tuarid/Tuared. Additional articles suggested Zegrus was eventually released on time served and left Japan vowing to embark upon a "new life in a new country," the enigma of who he really was and where he came from unresolved (and his ultimate fate unknown). But, of course, they hadnt. Some people who live in this part of the Sahara are called the Tuareg (or Touareg), a nomadic Amazigh speaking group who inhabit a large transnational area across the Sahara desert. In the case of Japan July 1954 the movie that's now a legacy Godzilla was released that same year by the Toho Company. For those of you who are not familiar with the story, here is a brief excerpt of what allegedly happened. The traveller was a well-spoken . That stuff sells. A user with the screen name of taraiochi located and posted some Japanese newspaper articles from 1960-61 about the mystery man from Taured, who had entered Japan from Taiwan along with his Korean wife using an obviously fake passport and was arrested after cashing forged checks to cover the cost of his stay there: The "Mystery Man" Who Tried to Smuggle Himself Into the Country, Attempted suicide immediately after sentencing, Fictitious nationality, fluent in 14 languages. Let me help you with this little tidbit. One hypothesis posits that the man from Taured is evidence of a parallel dimension, whereby there is another Earth like our own existing in an alternate reality. Baffled, they took him to a local hotel and placed him in a room with two guards outside until they could get to the bottom of the mystery. The story has sparked some interesting conspiracy theories over the years. The British constitution is uncodified; it is only partly written and is flexible. But, could there possibly be a simpler explanation? The Most Serene Principality of United Taured is a massive, cultured nation, ruled by Her Royal Highness Princess Margret with an even hand, and renowned for its ubiquitous missile silos, otherworldly petting zoo, and parental licensing program. The man grew frustrated. Upon deeper interrogation, he claimed to be a naturalized Ethiopian citizen and a compatriot of Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser. Safe to say that the man from Taured certainly wouldn't get away with his antics in the modern world. Ohmigod thats where the Age of Empires monks come from. That was the clincher, but didnt mean anything in any language. This man has been described as Caucasian with a beard. The traveler was interrogated by the police of the country of the rising sun in a discreet room . The district prosecutor was hampered by the fact that the true identity and nationality of the defendant was unknown, and this mystery was not cleared up at trial. The nature of the text on the passport was also unclear, defying attempts of a linguistic specialist to identify the language it was written in. Well, now we can put these rumours to bed - turns out, the man never did vanish into thin air. When questioned by the customs officers, the mysterious passenger said he was from Taured, also referred to as Taured Mystery. When asked where it should be he pointed approximately to where the small country of Andorra i. So while the country of "Tuarid" might be fictitious it is obviously based on a very real place and people who have traditionally eschewed ideas of nationality and place. Overall Rank. In case youre wondering, there is no country by the name of Taured, either today or during the 1950s, the purported time when the incident took place. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is an island country that sits north-west of mainland Europe. After all, Taured had been around for over 1,000 years! He might have created it only for . Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. As Ziegler shouted "I'm going to kill myself," three guards rushed to restrain him, and he was taken by ambulance to Kyobashi Hospital. Who Was Really the Worst Dictator of the 20th Century? At its zenith in the 19th century, the British Empire stretched over one-fourth of the earth's surface. The largest country of the UK is England.The smallest country is Northern Ireland. A totally unlikeable protagonist goes on a clichd romp through an alternative reality. One of the accounts of the conspiracy theory published on fact-checking website Snopes reads: "Customs officials found him in possession of money from several different European currencies. The following day, airport officials called upon the man and were met with silence. The story goes that back to the 50s, when a man arrived at a Tokyo airport in Japan and made his way to customs. -, Press J to jump to the feed. The hotel he claimed to have a reservation for had never heard of him either. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 16 April 2020. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. All these he recorded on a passport which he made himself. In the summer of 1954, a handsome and well-dressed man arrives at Haneda Airport in Tokyo. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. 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He claims he has a business meeting in Tokyo. Many people have claimed this story to be true, so the crux of the problem pertains to Taured. The UK is low lying in the east. He was from Taured, a small country nestled between the borders of Spain and France. What do you think? V khch l khng nh quc gia Taured tn ti hn 1000 nm lch s v cha bao gi c gi l Andorra. The hotel at which he claims to have booked a reservation never received one from him. The general consensus is that we don't know how many Universes there are out there in outer space. And the spelling is close that I cant believe its a coincidence. Source: 3.bp.blogspot.com. Haneda Airport, returned to the Japanese by Douglas MacArthur just two years earlier, was churning. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Background: Once a 'great' nation, at its zenith, the British Empire stretched over one-fourth of the earth's surface. This man, according to the evidence, has travelled all over the world with a very impressive looking passport indeed. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 13 June 2020. The Directory of Possibilities seemed like the only source of the tale, and its accuracy is already in question. An air waybill (awb) or air consignment note is a receipt issued by an international airline for goods and an evidence of the contract of carriage. The man from Taured was therefore taken away for interrogation. And Taured doesn't exist. A man arrives at Tokyo airport in Japan. He also served as a pilot in the Royal Air Force during World War II. Hes never heard of Andorra, and cant understand why his homeland of Taured isnt there. There was no sign of how he had made his escape and all of his personal documents, which could have served as evidence for the storys validity, had apparently disappeared as well. back out again with the proper spelling without knowing what they were originally in the first place). I guess I was establishing perhaps that Man from Tauran who arrived in Japan 1954, that spoke with a strong French language somehow slipped through that possible dimension from those Planet's seemingly similar to Earth? They began looking up maps. However, when officials took a look at his ID, they were baffled to see that he was. Obviously I have no evidence of that, and its entirely possible that he did actually attempt suicide in the courtroom (whether based on his sentence/fear of foreign imprisonment or for completely unrelated reasons), but just based on his general M.O. the "Mystery of the Man from Taured," involves both of these elements: The report of the man "from a parallel universe" who inexplicably showed up at a Tokyo airport in 1954 bearing a passport from the nonexistent country of "Taured" and then just as bafflingly disappeared from police custody is typically related in a number of mostly similar variant forms, such as the following account of the supposed mystery man from Taured: Its July 1954; a hot day. I wish we had more info on the attempt. The man had somehow passed into this dimension during his flight only to return to his home dimension in the middle of the night. Some have explained the story as proof of time travel , while others have spoken of a parallel universe. Too many of the details remain unclear or improbable, if not impossible. Only, the country was not Taured. John Allen Kuchar Zegrus invented them. Would you believe it exists? Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland have various degrees of home rule, meaning that they have some control over their . I love watching videos about UFOs and weird, mysterious things. Due to his lack of a home country, he was never allowed to leave Japan. Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571: The Limits of Survival, Tesla Versus Edison: The Truth About The Infamous Inventors Rivalry. The original story It's July 1954; a hot day. When shown a map, the man from Taured pointed to the area occupied by the Principality of Andorra, and was puzzled as to why his country had been given a different name on the map. Yup, youve guessed it they just shook their heads too. So there you have it - case closed. His passport is lettered using the . His passport has multiple stamps, including Japanese ones, and appears real. Humidity 66%. The passport was quite recent having been issued only 4 years earlier in May of 1950. Snopes went on to point out that Zegrus was sentenced to a year in prison for entering the country with a fake passport. [59] This more mundane story could have been embellished each time it was told, so much so that it eventually evolved into the great mystery that continues to fascinate today. Helpful. And Taured doesnt exist. In 1954, the Japanese authorities detained a man trying to enter the country with a passport that revealed he was from an unheard of country named 'Taured.' A thorough check was made by the customs officials to see if there was such a place anywhere on Earth, but they drew a blank. All its citizens would be blessed with John Allens sterling attitude towards collectors of useless information. He had with him a passport of the state of Taured and several other documents issued by that state. When the accused was cross-examined he said that it was a state of 2 million population somewhere south of the Sahara. (Bosonic dressing / CC BY-SA 3.0 ). The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or simply the United Kingdom (UK) is a sovereign country in Western Europe. Visibility 10 mi. Taured 1000 . In the end Zegrus was sentenced to a year in prison, but this was due mostly to the forged cheques he had cashed in Japan. In July 1954, an unidentified European-looking man arrived at Tokyo airport. Like many other passengers who are visiting Japan, he walks to the border checkpoint. Then they do some checking. Covering an area of 244,820 sq.km, the United Kingdom is a part of the British Isles - which includes the two principal islands of Great Britain and Ireland along with several smaller offshore islands. To protect the identity of his country of origin and their allies, his employer invented a new country, hoping it would pass by an unsuspecting airport official without raising concern. By the age of 10, most children in the United States have been taught all 50 states that make up the country. Everything seems to be going normally until the man gives customs officials his passport. So what about the rest of the story? That doesnt add too much to what we already know, but it does confirm the man without a country thing. I could totally see him trying to pull one over on the judge for what, though, I dont have much speculation. When he was asked for his passport, he gave the official his passport. Cloud Ceiling 30000 ft. He claimed Taured was a country that resided between France and Spain. Bill of lading, b/l for short, is the most important shipping document in international trade. And apparently he wasnt working for the CIAunless he was deep undercover or something. EDIT 2: AnonyJoolz at the Forteana forum put all these pieces together months before I did. A man arrives at Tokyo airport in Japan. OFFICIAL NAME: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland FORM OF GOVERNMENT: Parliamentary democracy within a constitutional monarchy CAPITAL: London POPULATION: 67,879,000 OFFICIAL. Was his whole existence a farce? But centuries ago, the land that is now the United States was a very different place As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. But, if you were to search a map long enough, youd be able to eventually track the place down, right? According to the conspiracy theorists, when he saw the name of the country was not there, the man became just as confused as the officers. This man has been round the world on this passport without hindrance, a passport which as far as we know is written in the invented language of an invented country. On December 15, 2015, English-speaking guests in Bangkoks hotels were met with a strange sight. The United Kingdoms Worrying Drift Towards Thought Crimes, The Problem with the Wild Wests Bank Robber Bounty, Fake Anthrax: How Harmless Powder Costs the Government Millions. All is well on this front, and Id like to announce that AnonyJoolz will have a piece examining the mystery in Issue 404 or 405 of the Fortean Times. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. While it can all sound like a bit of harmless fun, fake news during what has been dubbed the Age of Misinformation is potentially dangerous due to its ability to feed partisan hostility to the detriment of truth and historical facts. Throughout the history of civilization, the concept of the apocalypse has been ever present, in one way or another. A traveler from time or another dimension arrives in Japan. The defendant's wife, 30, entered the country with him and was repatriated to South Korea on her own passport. The passport shows him coming from a country called Taured, you see. His passport listed a country known as the United Kingdom of Taured that none of the officials had ever heard of. Today, were going to explore the tale of the Man from Taured. The story goes that back to the 50s, when a man arrived at a Tokyo airport in Japan and made his way to customs. I was fully interested until Snopes came into play then all interest was lost. (Page 1 of tag Taured) . Someone brings out a map, and the man identifies Taured as a location between France and Spainwhere the real-world microstate of Andorra is. ( ipopba / Adobe Stock). Now the written article seems like a comic book piece. Flag. The company that he planned to meet with had never heard of this man from Taured or his company. It has a long history. In another version, the man mentioned that he was from Taured, and when the immigration officer did not believe him, he showed his passport. That is, until he was met with the very confused customs officials in Tokyo. It was when he gave his passport to the immigration officer, the confusion started. Pada hari itu udara panas sedang menyergap Tokyo, pada awalnya tidak ada masalah pada kegiatan di bandara tersebut. His work often required him to travel internationally, and he had picked up Japanese during his regular visits to the country over the past five years. Ancient Origins articles related to Taured in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends. September 11, 2020. So, the man was taken to an office in the airport for further questioning. Thank you for posting this! Everything seems to be going normally until the man gives customs officials his passport.

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