china lake underground base

They will have cybernetic and microchip implants and will fight anywhere in the world, without question, with total loyalty, and without hesitation or fear. and south of Benson St. Park of the Columbia Gorge.91. China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station Chaplain . These Deep Underground Military Bases are all over the planet, including under water and various shocking practices are typicalor at least were at one time. The water flew 25 feet in the air on impact effectively slowing the sled. Every so often, the mad scientists and weapons testers down at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake release a montage video of their testing highlights over a period of time, and . : The count is now over 50,000 traumatized, malnourished and deceased children, who have been pulled out of underground tunnels across the nation, by the U.S. Military and Marines, since October 2019. In the times of no internet and nothing else to do there were very limited entertainment opportunities other than partying or riding dirt bikes. It kept getting closer and closer until I was sure that there was some sort of problem because it appeared to target us in the bunker and I started kissing my ass goodbye. Has a saucer base.26. Tunnels also connect the wineries north of Napa, used for white slavery and mind-control. Super Hornet flying over Armitage Field which lies at the center of NAWS China Lake.. A-6Es about to get loaded up with Mk20s during Operation Desert Storm.. Armitage Field may be the center of NAWS China Lake but the range facilities span for miles in multiple directions. Charges of corruption, constant construction company changes, and mass firings of teams once they had built a section of their work were reported so that no one group had any idea what the blueprint of the airport was. The 3rd BCT, 4th Infantry Division at Fort Carson, Colorado is next in line for the training. Steven Greer M.D. Spinning tapes was the most boring job you could get into in this arena and the workers are usually referred to as tape apes.. With this job function, I had to get a clearance to just be in sensitive areas which took very little time. Required fields are marked *. I posted it on this website before about that THE TOP BRASS OF THE U.S.MILITARY IS SATANIC . Its located near Brooks Lake. This airspace is known as R-2508 Special Use Airspace Complex. See #15 above). As mentioned earlier, when an aircraft was doing flight test evaluation in the 80s and 90s there were a lot of parts to put together to analyze the data. I went over to the hanger and had some discussions with the maintenance crew and they had found some loose connections in the bus connectors. It was that quiet and they were that loud. reserve, 140,000 sq. This DUMB sits on China Lake's NWC's land, built in the '60s *(Neutralized with primary China Lake facility. It was pretty impressive. Page 304 , FLORIDA44. I started my working career on the base in Oct of 1989. UTAHIn Utah, the Kennecott Copper Company has been connected to the Illuminati and the KKK. They have been building these bases day and night, unceasingly, since the 1940s. The coast facility is probably still operational.92. This building oversees all testing done in the main China Lake ranges. So first you have to get on the military base, number one. In this map it is listed as NAWS China Lake: THE CHINA LAKE WHISTLEBLOWER. My boss knows that I was batshit crazy for volunteering to uproot my family and take them to New Mexico on a drop of a hat, but I happily agreed to it. Most Americans will not believe that an American Holocaust will happen until they see it happening with their own eyes. This is a U.S. alien research/ diagnostic facility and UFO base. 35 20 N., 118 40 W. Trona35 45.5 N., 117 22.6 W.-several miles northwest of Trona, directly under Argus Peak. It is the Center of control over MAJIC and the "Space . And these areas, too, they dont have, like, parking lots in front of them or anything like that. The outside of the radar control station looked more like a WWII shack on some war-torn island in the Pacific. . Coos Bay area has had three separate but coordinating underground facilities built for UFOs. Over 50,000 traumatized or deceased children have been recovered from underground tunnels running beneath US cities. There are bases that are underwater, on the surface of the ocean floor, and there are also subterranean bases below the ocean floor. Santa Catalina Mountains base. . When the sled reached the shutdown area it travels into several pools that were filled with water. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico, around the China Lake underground bases in Nevada and California, in Kumamoto, Japan, etc. T-pad is the area where surface information is sent for recording from the various range and radar devices located around the range complexes. . Tecachapi Canyon has a new underground base which was finished in Sept. '95. MISSOURI60. Kennecotts mine (reported to be owned by the World Bank) in the Salt Lake City area is serviced by Union Pacific, which is reported connected to the Mormon Church. Bedford & Lawrence Co. areacontinued activity in large old mines indicates a possible government use of the large old quarries. [6], Some bases are in such remote locations that they do not need guards present. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Plattsburgh (near Canada and St. Albans) AFB, 4940N 7333 W- two saucer bases in this area. Linda and Thomas are going to do a show together on China Lake shortly. DEWINE & STATE OF OHIO]. In true fashion of what is termed the China Lake way where every one civilian and military alike worked together for one common goal. [21]It used to be an NBC facility. [6]They have their own inertial field.[8]. China Lake Potential Underground Entrance. . A job position came up at White Sands New Mexico and I made probably one of the worst and best decisions in my career and applied for the transfer. Its about a quarter mile away from where the track was, but when that thing lit off, you felt the wave of energy and enormous amount sound it put out. . WHERE ARE THEY? . Thomasville, 30 50.2 N 8358.9 W, FEMA, regional center, they train groups in Search and Destroy missions for when Martial Law is imposed. The airfield is north of town as are the many ranges. It was amazing. The walls and ceilings of the tunnels are ceramic tiles with fluorescent lighting recessed into the ceilings. . When that thing shot it was amazingly loud and concussive even while cocooned in the bunker. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The aircraft that were being tested were A-6Es, AV-8Bs, A-7s, AH-1 Cobras, and many others. "Underground bases trafficking children and running the Chemtrails in California were destroyed . directly under Argus Peak. The Australian military recently discovered over 300,000 tortured children in underground Melbourne tunnels and it was estimated that in the next couple of weeks, over a million children would be brought out of a network that circled beneath Australia. Unexpectedly, and in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America and this nation will be no more, Prophecies: Russia Will Fight Antichrist in World War III. They would lob into a pad of real thick sand. Santa Barbara County placed in the thick diatomite strata32. They reminded me of dragonflies darting around in the sky. All these places are located in very remote areas in the desert. The underground facility is 88.3 square miles deep. Page 303 5. Straight knew about the 2,100 kids being moved by U.S. Marines and told Holmseth about it in October of 2019. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. As I sat and waited I was informed to look out the bulletproof glass and to the south. China's Secret Underground Naval Base China has built a naval base for nuclear submarines along the southern coast of Hainan Island, China. List of names of visitors on EPSTEIN ISLAND: Ghislaine Maxwell Chris Tucker Larry Summers Lisa Summers Bill Murray Bill Hammond Ehud Barak Andrs Pastrana (Former President of Colombia 1998-2002) Jean Luc Brunel Doug Band Ron Burkle Woody Allen Sarah Kellen Ray Barzanna Sandy Burger Andrea Mitrovitch Peter Marino Shelley Lewis Paul Hala(t) (d) a Richardo Legoretta Tom Pritzker Kelly Spamm . The NOD installation is involved with psychic (demonic) and satellite control over slaves. Coincidence? You usually have to walk through many different posts. There are also pink colored chmetrails which make you gay This bypassed having to convert to digital format on tape and dumped the data directly into a format that the data reduction programs could work with. [23]Los Alamos is the hub. But thats when we were really learning. 5. Arming the Fleet or "ATF" tells a compelling story of the secret city of China Lake, California, a secluded Navy base that is hidden in the middle of the vast Mojave Desert that has been quietly delivering "weapons that work" since 1943. WASHINGTON, D.C.102. He has been targeted for a decade. This event may not seem much, but it was very impressive to see at the time. This area was very active in the 1970s. . The evolution of the PC was starting to kick in. Now let's read just a bit from this fascinating site, and you will soon see how deep the rabbit hole goes: A lot of cloning goes on there. There is the Deep Underground Military Base underneath Denver International Airport, which is over 22 miles in diameter and goes down over 8 levels. The southern bases connect to Texas and Mexico. 35 20 118 4035. Though Hawthorne Army Depot is considered just a U.S. ammunition storage depot of the U.S. military, where ammunition is created, tested, and deployed, but there is also something secretly done at Walker Lake. The steel-reinforced concrete walls of the bunker, which is 20 feet below ground, are 2 feet thick. WEST VIRGINIA103. The formation banked to the north and turned back around south and then did a touch and go on the runway while the F-16s stayed airborne a few feet above it. KANSAS51. Bluemont, Mount Weather base, Federal Preparedness Agency & FEMA, small-city underground, top-secret, staff of several hundred, does secret work for FEMA and contains a complete secret government with the various agencies and cabinet-level ranking administrators that keep their positions for several administrations and help run the United States.98. The mine is receiving a heavy volume of big trucks after 11 p.m., for instance, on a normal night over 6 dozen large trucks with 2 trailers each roll into the mine. There is a earthquake-pattern of which the most occured in the year 1982/83. But Dulce has a deep, dark secret. 90 via Nucla. 17. EVIDENCE: BIDEN ADMINISTRATION USED CLOSED CHINA LAKE MILITARY BASE TO HOUSE AND TORTURE CAGED KIDS, by Timothy Charles Holmseth War Correspondent on July 20, 2022, at 9:07 A.M. USA. One can see it better from the Three Sisters Hills to the south of the facility. What we got was far better. Many underground chambers are as large as 50, x 100 . Companies such as Parsons have been involved in constructing undersea facilities. [7], There are two different modes of transportation. IDAHO48. "100 Million Animals Have Been Injected With mRNA Technology", Hardly Anyone Knows About it Dr. Bryan Ardis: Francis Chan, Rick Warren Were Already Planning A Revival Event At Asbury Video Released 7 Days Before It All Started, Woke Evangelical Org Claims Asbury Revival is Moving School Toward Affirming Queers, Russian Special Forces Troops Destroy Anunnaki Nest in Turkey. This is commonly referred to as "the China Lake way" by insiders and Randy gives us a clearer view of what the place and its motto are really all about. Though there was low observable weapon testing at the time, the Navy didnt have any stealth aircraft in testing. Warrington Training Ctr. I was thankful that the group of my coworkers that were there didnt decide that I was being inappropriate and tell on me. There are over 3000 real-time video cameras throughout the complex at high-security locations (entrances and exits). Book Cliffs, CO, 39 40 N 108 0 W near Rifle, CO38. This is the "Unholy 6" base. A minimum of lighting is used and the men are beaten senseless if they talk at all. This DUM sits on China Lakes NWCs land and may have been built in the 60s. It was just above us and to the right and sounded like the skies opened up with the most amazing Ppfffttaaaaaattt sound as it hurled lead at the Tomahawk. That aircraft was indeed old. They go down several more floors than anyone that work in the building know about, get on an underground train system, and are shuttled to anywhere in the world in a matter of an hour or two, to where they can work in these underground bunkers and facilities. This is a U.S. alien research/ diagnostic facility and UFO base. They look like luxury malls or hotels in Dubai. The machine's software broke the data down from that tape much like the 8715s had done, except it was capable of handling more data and the overall system was way less expensive and cumbersome than the 8715 system. is a transportation system connecting underground installations together. Looking at these things in awe caused me to do something very impulsive and was in hindsight a very bad idea. That road is no longer in use, but could be reactivated if they decide to do so, with minimal cost. Book Cliffs, CO, 39 40 . 15. They are being sprayed in the evening and morning sun sometimes. Depending on where your entry point is and depending on the type of base it is, some of the most common ones, like the one I was stationed at with Kirtland Air Force Base, was basically a fire tower that you would never even think would be the access point. Fort Irwin, CA, 3520'N 1168'W W. saucer base. WHITE HOUSE, 3853.5N 7702.0WThe secret NOD underground installation which is connected to the intelligence groups like NSA and the CIA, as well as many other nefarious groups, lays under the White House with tunnels connecting this NOD installation with the House of the Temple. egg-shaped pod with four seats on opposite sides of the interior. This complex tracks thousands of satellites, missiles, submarines, and UFOs. Nonetheless, some casinos apparently have elevators that will take you down to sub-shuttles for quick trips to Nellis, Area 51 and elsewhere. This is run directly by Illuminati w/ Army and Airforce help, CIA also conduct experiments at the center; the size of the installation is huge requiring small shuttle trains and has seven levels according to witnesses. & ? Evidence is emerging regarding David Lester Straight, and how he, along with factions of the U.S. Government and military, held enslaved children in cages underground in California. This DUM sits on China Lake's NWC's land, and may have been built in the '60s. The workforce at China Lake is a mixture of military, civilians and contractors that are employed across multiple tenant commands. This upward movement was unheard of at the time. There are underground bases and facilities all over the place in cities all around us. on List of DUMBs by State Complete List of Military Underground Bases in the USA, on List of DUMBs by State Complete List of Military Underground Bases in the USA. These soldiers were created at Brookhaven National Laboratories BNL, the National Ordinance Laboratories NOL, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT, and covertly transferred under DOD and NSA control and planning. In 1992, stealth aircraft were still mysterious to mere mortals of the population at China Lake. Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake was undergoing recovery efforts on July 7 following a 7.1 magnitude earthquake, which occurred near NAWSCL and the city of Ridgecrest, Calif., July 5 after a 6 . While there is no mention of known underground bases in Tennessee on the following list below, I did find three underground bases in Tennessee. 18. A group of us were standing on the flight line and had a front row seat to this event as it came whizzing by. There was a door that would normally be closed that matches the features of the ocean floor, and it was wide open, and this is where submarines go in, go to a lake that is in Nebraska. CALIFORNIA14. Constructed in 1995, the government and politicians were hell-bent on building this airport despite it ending up vastly over budget. The installation is the Navy's largest single landholding, representing 85 percent of the Navy's land for RDAT&E use and 38 percent of the Navy's land holdings worldwide. Vaults have extensive amounts of documents that are not indexed. China Lake is located 150 miles northeast of Los Angeles on the western edge of California's Mojave Desert. The White SandsAlamogordo Area which has 3 underground bases. View all posts by lance goodall. It was fun to be involved in as it was new but soon that became routine as well. How can you find out if the underground base in Klamath Falls, Oregon is still in operation or is down? One tunnel connects to a port of docked submarines, which are in turn piloted to a living energetic crystal cavern. 360 19 N 929W W. Installation purpose not known.13. A newly-developed rocket on a launching ramp at the Naval Ordnance Test Station at China Lake, Calif., Feb. 12, 1949. In October of 2019 I reported a story I received from Straight regarding 2,100 kids who were rescued by U.S. Marines from cages underground in California. The Primary Underground facilities in New Mexico consist of 3 enormous underground bases in: 75. Ada, 3446.4 N 9640.7W W, underground saucer base, this base does human cloning, and it is FEMAs most sensitive base.89. Many around Archuleta Mesa, others to the south around Dulce Lake, and even as far east as Lindrith. Level 2 garage for trains, shuttles, tunnel-boring machines, and disc maintenance. And then a lot of times, they would just drill really deep holes, put in charges of high plastiques, things that detonate at well over 32,000 feet per second, that just turn the rock to dust, no matter how hard it is, and then they excavate it. S-66 is the most secret and it has 29 levels and is 11, 300 deep.69. , MESA (Missile Engagement Simulation Arena). The ride can be sickening enough that every seat has a vacuum-powered chute to capture vomit as soon as you lean into it. 1982/83. I display the plaque in my current office to this very day. However, after Biden stole the 2020 election, mainstream pushed a narrative that blamed the disappearance of the kids on Trump. ], KENTUCKY SHERIFFS OFFICE: STEPHENSON MURDERS MAY BE CONNECTED TO DELPHI MURDERS (INVESTIGATING TRUCK DRIVERS & DNA), STATE OF INDIANA DECLARES DELPHI MURDER CASE CREATES SERIOUS AND IMMINENT DANGER TO THE PUBLIC, There arent many left to speak for the dead Author Veronica Swift pens letter to Rep. Jim Jordan #LetJessieSpeak, SEAL TEAM 6 BLACK OPS IN OHIO [JOURNALIST FILES LAWSUIT AGAINST GOV. COLORADO 36. Atlanta is believed to have several underground installations in its area, one to the north at Kennesaw Mtn., Marietta, GA connected to Dobbins AFB, and one to the south of Atlanta at Forest Park.47.

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